Monday, December 30, 2013

Exercise: Know your goals and reasoning

Exercise : Know your goals and reasoning
Training and types of exercise advised by professionals depends substantially on your goals and reasoning. It is much different training a competitive athlete correctly than it is others and some of the ways are completely opposite each other ! Furthermore, if you are a woman between 20-45 who wants to regain lost energy, get to and maintain a healthier weight, reduce stress , handle life, work, and keeping up with kids , while feeling better and having a better attitude your training and the exercises you do should be quite different than if you are an elderly man who wants to build immunity and prevent injury that may accompany a disorder such as frail bones, is loosing ability to and wants to continue activities of daily living, remain independent etc..
So I advise people to spend sometime thinking and writing down what they are in it for . And what they most need out of it to begin with . Or even if you already have begun .
Questions to help you evaluate this but, please do not let these push out what you'd write had I not provided them .
1.) Are you wanting to prepare and condition for a particular sport or activity such as , skiing , rock climbing , tennis , a long bike ride or to bike back and forth to work daily , a hula hoop competition etc ?
2.) Are you wanting better health ? Have an existing diagnosed ailment ? undiagnosed ailments like headaches, gas, frequent colds, joint pain etc?
3.) Are you wanting to improve your mental and emotional health ? Reduce stress, be more relaxed? calmer? improve attention span and ability ? improve memory ? handle extremes of emotion- depression, too much sadness, anger, frustration, confusion , anxiety and so on ?
4.) Are you looking to prevent future physical injury and illness? boost immune system and thus resistance to disease, colds, flu's, or organ failure, deterioration? Decrease chances of falling , breaking bones, sprains, knee failure, bruising , etc?
5.) Are you looking for improved endurance? Being able to climb stairs again or faster? walk longer ? be able to run again or farther?except a more physically demanding job? keep up with your children? or babysit energy filled grandchildren , etc.?
6.) Alleviate physical pain ?
7.) Improve coordination ? balance? respiratory endurance? sexual endurance?cardiovascular endurance? muscle strength ? flexibility ? etc.. and why ?
9.) other?
I think you should get as specific as you can rather than just know and say" prevent injury" ,know what you are most concerned about and your condition.If you need help figuring out what your goals in exercise and training are, as a fitness trainer I can help you figure them out .
There's a number of reasons I recommend doing this some include , getting a proper individualized exercise program in place and knowing what training will help you and not help you achieve your goals, it is a step to empowerment and may encourage you with physical exercise and may in part encourage you to enjoy taking further steps to achieve your goal(s) for example : goal of memory improvement - doing word search's as well , If you write them down you can more easily see in the future progresses rather than focusing on say only losing 4 lbs so far you may realize you also feel less stressed and have better concentration and improved energy which are also priorities for you .
Questions/comments are welcome.
Be well !

Happy New Year ! Drink or don't drink wisely !

Happy New Year ! I advise everyone to drink vegan and in moderation or not at all

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Is wheat bad? I say" no, but read on !"

My perception of wheat is if it is WHOLE wheat and you are not glutton intolerant or sensitive it is fine . However if a package says wheat but not whole wheat , it is processed wheat . The large consumption of processed wheat common in this culture is largely to fault for the fast developing glutton intolerance and sensitivities . Our bodies work hard to digest processed wheat properly and it copes , copes, copes and then at a point stops coping like it did and becomes like an old worn out bike ,sweater, or many things. It (our ability to cope) doesn't function well anymore . None the less I too have consumed some processed wheat and I will be under taking a wheat free cleanse for a few , if you will, in the near future once my food supply is cleared of wheat . I'll blog about my experience here for anyone interested who cares to follow . And look for the next post an on going list (running list ) of glutton free whole grains

Wheat free whole grains running list

The wheatless whole grains running list : 
Glutton free whole grains :
1.) Amaranth
2.) Teff
3.) sorghum
4.) oats
6.) quinoa (red, white, black)
7.) rice

Work out Exercise : Tip

Work out exercise: 
If you are under motivated to exercise , or want to and" are too busy" , if you feel you are depriving yourself of exercise, or if you feel growing pesky guilt about not exercising .
Here's a suggestion , Chart exercise in your daily life . And then after a few days of that or a week . look at it , add it up if you want , and GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT for what you are already doing ! Then , ask what exercise would you enjoy and find ways to incorporate small amounts of it .
EXAMPLE: pt 1.
Mon - house work - Approx. 45 minutes
- shopping (walking through stores ) -Aprox. 1 hr 15 mins
- walked dog 2x - Aprox . 20 mins total
Tues. - Exercise done at job - aprox 50 mins
- walked dog - approx 15 mins
- walking stairs and errands - approx 25 mins
Wed. - shoveled snow - approx.25 mins
- laundry - carried basket folded,walked etc.- approx. 30 mins
- at work - approx. 50 mins
- walked dog - approx 15 mins
3 day total =
I'd like , dance , shoot baskets / play basket ball ... etc.
How will I spend a small amount of time (in the beginning (NOW) anyway ) regularly , involved in this ?
That could mean every day you spend 10 minutes getting in shape to ski .Day one you research how to do that for 10 minutes , day two you walk an extra 10 mins, day 3 you research more , day 4 you implement some ski stretches.
Or it could mean something like everyday you shoot baskets for 10 minutes and on the weekends when you have time with your child you ask him or her if they want to play a game .

Wellness Exercise: Try your resolutions on for size

Wellness exercise: " Try your resolutions on for size "

Many people subconsciously relate New Year's resolution with failure so, my advice is if you want to do some things differently in 2014 ,have goals for 2014 , or want to make resolutions but, haven't been good at keeping your resolutions in the past, change it up . Modify the practice . Don't do it the same way or word it the same way as you have been . For instance, rather than write and or say these are" my resolutions", you can write/say 2014 goals.
What goals do you have ? What might you want to eliminate , change, modify? Below is a wellness exercise I created .
If it feels right and you like it just how it is , use it just how it is but, if you feel drawn to modify it and make it your own more , go for it .
I find it a good time astrologically to brainstorm now about 2014 , I find it a good idea to brainstorm about 2014 now as preparatory activity for other reasons , and to try your resolutions on for size as well. Sagittarius in astrology is the archer . " aim true",I've written this wellness exercise with that in mind.

Wellness Exercise : "Try your resolutions on for size "

Step 1: Take a piece of paper, draw a circle in the center and write 2014 . Then do a brainstorm (cluster, web.. ) write anything that pops into your mind after writting 2014 , draw a circle around each and connect them to 2014 using lines with arrows (how Sagittarian friendly ) . This does not mean limit yourself to writing goals for 2014 . Put down whatever enters your mind . Examples : graduation year, milestone bday ,goal-run more , eat healthy, join poetry club , less housework ? , reduce spending, feel less anxious, climb Mt. such and such , family from Ireland visit , year of wood horse (Chinese astrology) , etc.

Step 2: On another piece of paper or the back of that one brainstorm (same way as above ) any of these things that call out "How will I do this ?" for instance , "feel less anxious " might . Remember this isn't about decisive choices you will make . It is about allowing all your thoughts that come up to be expressed in the web . Example for feel less anxious : google tips,Is it just me?, start meditating ,quit smoking , reduce caffeine,sugar,alcohol consumption, eliminate anxiety ridden animal products , eat more whole plant foods instead ,prepare better, avoid procrastination ,feng shui, what kind of anxiety do I have ?,seek help etc...
If there is any like this that you don't feel like tackling with a brainstorm at the time, don't ! That's ok. Set aside paper to do it later though by writting it in a circle and leaving adequate space (or reserving a full sheet of paper) . Or just start the storm with one or two things and then leave it to do another time . Example: feel less anxious , google tips , Is it just me ?

Step 3 : Think of some of the things you want (or may want ) to have ,do, be, stop, and change in 2014. Pick some to start playing with now without rigid commitment.
Examples: join poetry group- look for some online and or elsewhere read about them , join one if you are so inclined or think on what one you'd most like
Reduce anxiety - start pausing and counting to ten when you feel particularly anxious
Deciding weather to keep, discard or modify a ritual ; writing daily gratitude lists of 5 things, done every morning .- go days without doing it , do it partially some days, do more than 5 , list everything you can think of instead of 5 , try it in the evenings, do it as normal some mornings and see how these different things feel .

Step 4: Get a journal or use one you already have to journal about your changes . You can label the first page 2014 prep or jump start ,or "trying on goals "or,"resolutions,"or" new ways for size" . Use it to document what you are doing and why as well as how it's going ,how you feel , new ideas, etc. as time goes by .
This if you choose can flow into a 2014 goal journal or standard journal come January 1st .

Wellness Exercise: Winter Comfort Basket plus variations

 Wellness Exercise: Winter Comfort Basket plus variation

Sagittarius (please know I am referring to the constellation's astrological flavor not necessarily people when I type things of this nature ) has a value on pleasure as well as, aiming true and future planing and though not technically winter yet it feels like winter and "is" in a lot of places but, since we aren't too far into it and it is technically still the last moments of "pre - winter " I choice this timing to write and post this one . 

Winter comfort basket : This can help with " winter blues" , just "grays" ( the cold and greyer weather ) , just recharge you or, give you some pleasure and enjoyment .

Notes: I wrote this with the intent of people doing it in a healthful way, not by eating garbage junk food, spraying or sniffing chemical fragrances rubbing them or animal products on their bodies (since animal products are not good for humans to eat and we absorb through the pores in our skin it reasons that they aren't healthful to apply to skin. For instance , within a lotion ) or, exercising in an uneducated and risky way . Know what you are doing with exercise and weight use and be safe ! 

Wellness Exercise: Winter comfort basket 

Get a basket (box, tote ,etc. ) and fill it with things you love , relax you , and give you comfort . It is also complementary but , not required to have a comforting and private nook or corner to utilize with a comfortable place to sit . ( post thought - of course for it to benefit you much play with and use the stuff in the basket ) You can allot yourself regular time with it perhaps daily or 2x a week etc. , you can go to it when you are upset or down and in need of comfort only, you can do it whenever you feel like it , or some combination . 
There's a couple versions listed below and a cool sense meditation ritual in version B. : Also a variation at the bottom titled the "Strengthening basket "

Version A. Just add Things you love and What you want

Ideas/examples to get your's flowing :

Your favorite sweater , or comfy pjs , a meditation cd, relaxing music , a harmonica , a book of poems , or nature scenes , or jokes , a bottle of essential oil you really like and that makes you feel good, a teddy bear , shawl or blanket , slippers, precious gems or a smooth stone from your favorite beach , a pad of paper and pen if writing is pleasurable for you or a sketch pad , crossword, Sudoku puzzle book ,world jumble, or search , crocheting supplies ,modeling clay (or better - handmade clay ), bubble wrap, an adored plant (for the corner not, the basket of course) . 

Version B. Sense indulgence and stimulating (awakening ) 

It's a nice one to do if you choose to and can, I personally am super fond of this one. Find at least one thing for each of your 5 senses
2 example sets : 

Set # 1- Your favorite tea bags (taste), a stress ball to squeeze (touch ) ,a beautiful blank postcard of a sunset, (sight ) , 
a sachet of pleasant dried plants to smell such as lavender and dried orange peel ( co-ops and health food stores are resources)..( scent) , a music box (sound). 
Set #2- A bell (sound) , cinnamon sticks (scent), a small beautiful figurine (sight ) , a bowl of grapes ( taste) ,a heat pack ( touch) 

You can add other things to the box and just enjoy everything . You can also do a sense meditation (formal with a timer or informal ) where you spend a little time using and relaxing and enjoying each sense one at a time . A nice way to go, I think for formal is to give yourself a 50 min. break and spend 10 minutes with each or give yourself a 25 min break and 5 mins with each .Whichever ,fits best for you and your life .

Variation : The strengthening basket :

Similar to version B. of the comfort basket , you get 5 things that will strengthen these 4 aspects of you , mind/brain , body, soul/spirit, emotions, 
2 example sets :
Set #1 : A book of Sudoku puzzles (mind/brain), dumbbell of appropriate weight so, you can do sets of arm strength building exercises (body), a guided meditation directed at your spirit written or audio (soul/spirit) , a list of positive affirmations (emotions)
Set # 2 : A book of riddles (mind/brain) , ankle weights for leg exercises (body), mandala making supplies (spirit/ soul ) a journal (emotions)
I hope this post brings joy, peace, tranquility . Be Well!