Friday, February 28, 2014

Nurturing your food /mindful eating

Nurturing your food /mindful eating 
A thought occurred to me ," Maybe, I should write to everyone about some of the physical realm ways (physical actions ) they can do to start or continue mindfulness while they are eating . 
First, before I share my ideas on that I'm going to share about some of what mindful eating means .
Mindful eating is considered an art by many . ( This I hope will not deter those who don't see themselves as artistic) It is not like realistic painting or drawing ! Why? Why an art ? Well, I can only speak for myself . I think this is because, it allows one to create beauty, exercise play and, express creativity ..
Did anyone think it was just about smaller portion sizes, smaller bites, staring at your food and chewing longer while trying to focus on the flavors more than previously ? It's not .
So, again how is it an art or creative? In my opinion some examples include:
Creating ambiance and atmosphere. What kind of lighting do you eat by? dimmed, candles? normal? What kind and color of candles do you use if you do ? Do you put flowers on your table? Fold napkins in a special way or not? Use colored or designed napkins? And, how do you otherwise set your table? Do you listen to music? If yes,what kind? Do you do this differently from meal to meal or on certain days or keep it the same?
What is your veiw ? A window? A quoted plaque on your wall? The opened space of a blank wall ?
When do you eat ? By sunset ? Sunrise? A good time for you ?
How do you arrange your food ? Do you ever garnish ?
What is ritual ? A few moments to take in the smells first and look at your food ? a moment of gratitude? contemplation or imagining where it came from ?
A local organic farm ?
Do you visualize it growing in the sun and rain ? Do you think about the farmers and gardeners working or pickers picking , the farmer's market or grocery store workers stalking ? Consider who and how many people recieved money from your purchase ?
Somewhere exotic?
Do you imagine Florida before you eat a Florida orange ? The sea before seaweed? Hawaii before macadamia nuts?
You don't have to do all of those things and certainly not from the start. you get to pick and choose what you like and what you don't . You get to create your own way.
Stay open and make changes as you desire too .
" Nurturing and Building more of a relationship with your food "
10 suggestions of ways out of the many :
1.) crack nuts
2.) Sprout your own seeds, beans, and grains
3.) Grow, garden , do an herb garden , container garden
4. ) Cook ( If you don't )
5.) Cook closer to from scratch if you do
6. ) Buy from the source buy what you can from local organic farmers and ask questions )
7. ) Pick your food - apples, figs, berries ,etc.
8.) Learn about the foods - how they grow, where they come from , about the plants
9. ) Use your hands frequently ! Use tools less when eating and preparing .Pick up falafal balls , cucumber slices, and other veggies , peel the orange and section it rather than cut it , put your hands in the flour and dust a board instead of a scoop , if making a salad you'll add dressing to later toss it with your hands... and so on ..
10.) Play with your food . Get over it ! It's healing ! - Instead of just mindlessly tossing things on a plate arrange them , go ahead and swirl your cauliflower around in the sauce awhile ,draw with it , make a picture of a snowman from it and those peas . It's all good! Sing into your corncobs like a microphone . Note: If this is a group meal though and it's " relaxing time " for the others it may be best to wait until you are eating alone or with different dining company for the singing and to yell out " Look at my snowman ! Look, Look" and go on to tell the story of his or her life .
Be well

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why People Are and Are Not Vegan ( It's short)

Why people are vegan : 4 MAIN reasons in no order :

1. Environment (scientifically and mathematically proven top cause of deforestation , pollution, global warming, soil depletion, and more )
2. health ( physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health )
3. Animals ( I need not right anything here right ? )
4. Humanitarian issues ( World hunger, factory farm and slaughter workers ,and more  )

Why people aren't vegan: ONLY 3 1/2  reasons known why people are not vegan in no order ( All others fall under these categories to the best of our findings )

1. Familiarity
2. Desire to conform and fit in
3. Taste ( which is again #1)
4. Indoctrinated false beliefs that it is healthy and natural

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I found my new Favorite Chili ! - For me without the tvp -Get the recipe here

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes


1 can black or pinto beans, drained
1 can kidney beans, drained
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 bell pepper, diced (any color)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 16 oz box vegan vegetable broth
2 tbsp chili powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
dash cayenne pepper (optional)
dash red pepper flakes (optional)
1/2 cup TVP + 1/2 cup water (optional)

In a medium to large soup pot, saute the onion, bell pepper and garlic in the olive oil.
Add tomatoes, vegetable broth and chili powder and stir.
Reduce heat to medium low and add beans. Stir occasionally and cook for at least 20 minutes. Add TVP and water 10 minutes before done cooking. Of course, the longer you cook chili the better, but if you're pressed for time, 20 minutes is fine.
For a spicier chili, add extra cayenne and red pepper flakes. Makes 6 servings.
Also good with organic brown rice added in !

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Few of the Most Common Misconceptions about Being Vegan I've Heard -And the Truth !

Misconceptions I've frequently heard :
#1 It'll be more time consuming "I don't have time"
#2 I'll have to eat tofu and I don't like tofu
#3 It'll be more expensive and I can't afford it
#4 I'll live a miserable life and always crave blank

1. Response to number one .- It will? Why? It in general takes less time to cook plant based foods than animal products that you have to cook at a certain temperature for a certain time to kill salmonella etc. none of which plants have you can eat most tons of them raw . So if you don't want to cook a night you don't have too you can eat plants raw ! But when you do cook them they overwhelmingly wind up taking less cook time then animal products. Yes, in the beginning you will need to spend extra time  changing your shopping habits , learning new things, reading packages . And eating out is more time consuming when you factor in driving, waiting and driving home then eating in !
2. You don't have to eat tofu ! lol . You don't ever , ever, have to eat tofu ! Some people have soy allergies (what tofu is made out of ) and eat perfectly healthy vegan diets.
3. Meat is more expensive than beans, seeds, legumes . Some vegan products , particularly the "transitional foods " or vegan versions of things you are used to , yogurt, faux meats, vegan cheese, and vegan microwave / processed meals are sometimes more expensive than their counter parts . Due to government ( Using our tax dollars and (, I suspect without tangible evidence I admit ),  getting reimbursed through the connected systems it's in business with coughs pharmaceutical ) subsidies, the animal based products cost more money to make , use more resources , and cost more of our natural resources . So, is it really cheaper or put on a semi invisable credit card that racks up interest , doesn't get paid off and the debt weight falls on your children harder than you if the inertia continues in it's direction ?  The more whole and to its original form the food you buy is the cheaper it is generally when talking vegan and oh what a curse people whine ( though not to many are long term vegans since were past detox ) the food that's the cheapest is the healthiest (organic/ conventional aside)  So, yes the beans, and seeds , veggies,fruits and whole grains ( you can get from bulk bins in most places cheaper yet btw ) are the cheapest and the most health promoting . Looking past a glance or jumping in and shopping vegan for awhile should show you what I believe, if you eat a few of  the processed things a week and incorporate more foods in their original forms , learning to create with them and drop the animal products , it tends to balance itself out, costing around the same  . Of course, it depends on what animal products you were buying to begin with. I'm using the cheapest ones to make this statement .(Thus it's apt to be cheaper too)
And when and if you come to reduce your consumption of processed stuff completely or eliminate it . It is in gambling terms probable that your food costs will go down .
One more statement on this # , let's be real , you know the hospital bills and doctor bills factor into this equation too !  If you don't check out the statistics ! ( See the China Study or other resources )
4. Yup, you may get miserable , I guess animal products have physically addicting properties( Read the Pleasure Trap or do other research if you desire ) you may go through withdrawals for a few weeks . But, here's some interesting information - Some people don't . And the benefits I found help in the same time line as withdrawals more than say quitting smoking or drinking . Especially true the more dark green leafys you take in and other whole foods you consume . To clarify that statement , in contrast to drug addiction and alcohol addiction where one tends to usually go through withdrawals and cravings while feeling like crap and depleted , The periods of craving animal products if you do, are accompanied by more recognizable health benefits , weight lifted and feeling better . It for me was just an annoying voice nagging me for cheese and ice cream that I ignored and that nagged less and less as time passed . Everyone's body handles the change differently. I've listened to, read , and talked with hundreds of people who have done it and it seems overwhelmingly that most start experiencing welcome changes immediately like cleared up acne . ( How miserable :p ) and more energy . However, some people experience temporary yuck while their bodies detox toxins , such as gas and oily skin ( if they leave via your skin ) . Regardless , this is temporary and a very short amount of your life ! Where as eating animal products for the rest of your life comes with mass amounts of misery personal and otherwise . Let's stick with personal huh ? Constipation, depression , anger issues, confusion , extra weight to carry around, far increased amounts of colds, and flus, weaker bones and joints are a few of the many more mild problems . Take a look at the diseases likely !
 I swear just like a smoker eventually stops craving cigarettes and is happier and freer without them so it is with animal products ..

Sunday, February 23, 2014

In the Year of the Wood Horse ( this year ) it's extra important to reduce Clutter and be Organized !

That's what I heard when I was reading and watching videos about this Horse Year!
True story!!
And it makes sense to me !
You've been tipped off !
Don't say I didn't caution you !
In regards to this I have something to offer you.....this post .....
"Creating your own organizer "
 Why not buy an organizer ? Well....
 I'm not talking about making a generic one like you find in the store . I'm talking about making something individualized to you .
 Some people would call it a workbook rather than an organizer but, I haven't because,  A. I don't like to refer to learning about one's self and life as work ! It can be a lot of fun! B. because, it may be a cross between an organizer and, a "work book " but , what you'll be doing with it is using it to learn and better organize yourself holistically; mind, body, emotional , spiritual, material world.
Get and create pages /worksheets that will help you do this.
The possibilities are endless.
  I will give an example of a page or section for each subcategory I listed earlier under the category holistic . Hope this clarifies , excites and inspires !
                    Examples :
  mind - replacing harmful beliefs with healthy beliefs worksheet
  body - food journaling pages
 emotional  - weekly  mood tracking calender with a paragraph of journal/note space each week
 spiritual - weekly guided meditation practice check list with journal space for each time
Material - meal plans with corresponding shopping lists

Get the added benefit of a second party mind, mine . You and I can  co-create this. Click and message me to get started soon *** link***,  If you choose to go it alone please, let me know about your's and how it's working . Comment space provided below. Updates about mine should be available a few times throughout the year. Subscribe to my youtube channel free here,
where you can get the updates and more . .
Yes,  You may want a calender in there to track appointments but, you may want a second one to track moods , or your gardening .
You may want to keep an address list or phone list  but, you may also want a" books I want to read list ".
 You may want to have plain "daily to do lists"  but, you may also want a goal break down and check off section , a daily or weekly organized combo of people to call list, to email list, things to buy list,  do list , read list and so forth .
Customize !

Saturday, February 22, 2014

25 Types of journals / journaling

25 Types of journals / journaling: 
This list is not to freak you out or imply you should be juggling all these journals of course . My intent is rather to show you that there are a multitude of different types of journals you can do and if when I or someone else says" journal" you think only of a general journal or a venting journal or goal journal etc. and, aren't turned on to do that so throw the concept of journaling away , that there's plenty of other cool possibilities. Perhaps ,something else would suit you better.
Tip: If you want to keep several sometimes a sectioned notebook such as the 3 or 5 section ones will work well . Other times you may feel you need more space per section or otherwise find individual journals work best or even just doing a combo journal .
frequent misconceptions about journaling :
1.-You aren't doing it right if you don't do it at a certain regularity (once a day , week ,etc. )
2.-There's only a few ways or one way to journal so , if you tried that and aren't keen on it you don't want to journal .
3.-You aren't good at writting or spelling so you can't keep one.
The list 25 types of journals/journaling :
1.) A cross or blend of one or more of the following journals or ones I haven't thought to list -
2.) general journaling -
3.) venting journaling -
4.) gratitude journal -
5.) dream journal -
6.) goal journal -
7.) creative art journal -
8.) Spiritual practice journal -
9.) wbd home work journal -( Yes, that's Wellness by Design  )
10.) working through a self help book( so you would probably title this after the book" blank " journal ) journal
11.) observation journal - (If you are studying something through observation - such as your garden )
12.) poetry journal -
13.) nature journal -( Used to write about observations in nature and your relation to them ex. the way the clouds look and what you see in them , the weather etc. This is a particularly cool thing if you want to spend more time meditating outside or to spend more time outside bonding with the natural environment and this idea calls out to you )
14.) idea journal - Just write out any ideas , brainstorm things or write out any ideas specific to a theme such as song writting or wood carving etc
15.) A business journal -
16.) A food journal-
17.) An exercise journal - (What exercise you are doing ,how much you like it or don't , track the way you feel before , during and after exercise . Why you missed scheduled exercise if you do , changes you see , and goals you have related to fitness , fears, injuries if they occur etc. )
18.) Sketch journal
19.) Book and or movie review journal - Where you write your reviews, thoughts, opinions, ideas etc. after reading a book or watching a movie and build a journal out of that if that's of interest
20.) Blog, article , group postings, etc. journal - Where you can keep track of ideas , brainstorm , take notes and pre write /draft things you'll share this way
21.) Creation journal - If you create things (Your own recipes - food, or hygiene products such as soap, scrubs, bath salts,or,cleaning or essential oil blends , etc.. ) you can journal about that . Failed attempts so you'll be less likely to repeat , notes, and successful recipes and so on ..
22.) Photo journal ( I guess a scrapbook could count but, an alternative is to journal for each photo and create a journal with photos perhaps a paragraph perhaps a page or more of journaling per photo )
23.) Wellness journal ( your health , physical condition , how much you are sleeping etc ,things you are trying to improve your health , struggles etc. )
24.) Pet journal - You can write cute things your pets do , put in photos, chart their health and vet visits , journal about your bond and play times etc.
25.) I want journal - create to purge and express your wants without censorship . A place where you can be honest without having too many wants because, It's just for fun, and cathardicism. Everything would start with I want . Anything goes from big things like a big house to a pint of raspberries to well behaving children .

Friday, February 21, 2014

Food, Wellness, and Exercise Ideas for Busy People

Food, Wellness, and Fitness Suggestions and tips (ideas) for busy people 
- Do mini exercise bursts 5 mins here , 10 mins there 
- Find ways to exercise in mini bursts throughout your day , jog up stairs, do hand , and other stretches at work (just make sure your muscles aren't cold first ) 
-Prepare bases and make quick simple meals from that ex. make a big bowls worth of quinoa and then throughout the week just add a few ingredients to a portioned out amount of it ( grapes and walnuts ), (a frozen pack of mixed veggies and lemon juice ) etc. You can easily have 5 minute or less meals this way . If you take the 30 or so mins to prepare a larger quantity of a base ahead of time .
- Make large amounts of healthy food and then eat "left overs" some days/ nights . ex.Soups, large pasta dishes , fruit salads ,grain salads ...
- Keep healthy durable food in your car( dehydrated fruit,like prunes, apples, pineapples , etc. ) homemade vegan trail mix, a bag of healthy popcorn etc. ) . Don't buy fast food
- Take tiny meditation breaks just stop and do it for say 10 breaths 3 x . You can easily build and reap the benefits of regular meditation this way . surely we'll all give you a minute ?!
- Refuse the myth that you have to do formal meditation for 30 minutes or more a day to be doing any good. Try 5 to start with.
- when you are tired take a power nap ( 5-20 mins) if you can
-Make lists . If you make lists such as shopping lists, or to do lists and so forth ahead of time you will cut out time making decisions, contemplating, brain storming and searching during the day . You will be more efficient and on track , forget less things , and make fewer mistakes . It eases stress generated from these issues too .
-Use your comfort basket ( you made one right ?)
-Soak beans before cooking if you don't already. It reduces cook time substantially and takes only a few seconds .
-Plan and prepare healthy snacks ahead of time examples, celery sticks and nut butter or tahini , grapes, herb popcorn .This will cut back on spontaneous trips to the store for munchies , and feed you when you've run yourself hungry and just need a little something to give you an energy boost and tide you over to a bigger meal.
- You can also section off snack size portions which saves a little time and gives you a better idea of how long they will last
-Incorporate exercise and stretches when you are doing other things . Use your imagination ( and accurate safe techniques ) . You can do both stretches and exercise while you are talking on the phone, watching tv what else? Stretches can be done while reading , in mini breaks while cooking . When else?
- Hum, chant , sing, repeat a mantra , affirmation , or think of something that makes you happy while you are doing household chores , down in the dumps, and while you are becoming physically stressed
- Do plan your meals for the week. Rigidity and perfection aren't that important and, so what if you feel like having Tuesday what you planned for Thursday and do it. Make that all work . But try it(planning your meals for the week ) once you get used to it it'll save you a lot of time . And probably money too.
- Get social just to be social or fun regularly like every week . Set up a time and do it consistently , this can mean a weekly phone call to a friend , an afternoon or a couple hours on a social network and writing friendly emails , a tea date , " kids" play date, or countless other things .
- If you are lonely and are making yourself busy to deal with that . Date yourself .Especially , If that sounds horrifying or ridiculous , Yeah , break in some new shoes ( metaphorically ) and go out and do things you'd enjoy doing with a date , go have coffee or tea alone, go for a nature walk alone , a craft bizarre, art exhibit and so on . And uh don't hesitate to talk to strangers at these places, I mean you obviously have something in common and you're lonely . You'll be less lonely talking to someone else then yourself even if it's just a hi , do you know where blank is .
-Put your feet up ! You can do this while reading , while watching tv , right before sleep , before you get out of bed in the morning . Restore balance ! Put your feet up elevated above your head a stack of pillows , a wall (google that so you don't hurt your spine )are options .
- Go breath in some fresh clean air if you can in a nature heavy setting ( a mountain , the woods, by a river or lake or ocean perhaps )
-Journal, generally if you put things down they stop demanding so much of your thinking time .

I discovered my new favorite chili recipe !

I discovered my new favorite chili recipe !

Prep Time: 10 minutes 

Cook Time: 20 minutes 

Total Time: 30 minutes or longer to preference. 

Ingredients: 1 can black or pinto beans, drained( or pre soak and cook beans )
1 can kidney beans, drained( or pre soak and cook beans )
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 bell pepper, diced (any color)
1 carton veggie broth ( check ingredients make sure you understand them all and there is only veggies and herbs no oil , etc . )
2 tbsp chili powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepperdash cayenne pepper (optional)
dash red pepper flakes (optional)

Preparation: In a medium to large soup pot, sautee the onion, bell pepper and garlic in water or a bit of the broth. Add tomatoes, vegetable broth and chili powder and stir.Reduce heat to medium low and add beans. Stir occasionally and cook for at least 20 minutes. Of course, the longer you cook chili the better, but if you're pressed for time, 20 minutes is fine.For a spicier chili, add extra cayenne and red pepper flakes.

10 Minute Workouts ! - Great for Extra Small Spaces !

10 Minute Workouts ! - Great for Extra Small Spaces !

Maybe you are under-motivated , short of time, or out of shape . By doing these quick 10 minute workouts at home, you can start feeling much better quickly, from the privacy of your home and, get a head start for Spring and Summer, when you'll probably want to look your best and have more endurance ! Please, tell me what you think in the comment space below . 

Position yourself in front of a clock and start !
Workout #1
Minute countdown to the left . Time to spend on each exercise on the right .
10.) Walk in place for - 1 minute
9.) Jog in place for - 1 minute
8.) Run in place for- 1 minute
7.) Walk in place while raising your arms up over your head and back down for - 1 minute
6.)Stretch out your legs with a side to side motion step out and back and repeat with other leg for - 1 minute
5.) Do arm circles go in which ever direction you feel like but do change it up between exercise sessions ( legs "motionless " or while walking in place if you want too ) for - 1 minute
4.) Return to side steps add in a gentle bend to touch your knees for - 1 minute
3.) Slowly side step while raising arms out to your chest line and then back down to your sides for - 1 minute
2.) Jog for - 1 minute
1.) Walk for -1 minute
Finished !

Workout #2
10.) Take a step forward then back alternating legs for - 1 minute
9.) Side step while bringing your arms up to your chest palm side up and back down for - 1 minute
8.) knee touches for -1 minute
7.) March in place for - 1 minute
6.) Punch out your arms, (rotate one then the other) at chest level while marching for - 1 minute
5.) Punch up over your head ( Rotating left then right )bend knees sink and return every 5 punches for - 1 minute
4.) Sit in a chair and kick out your feet left and then right for - 2 minutes
2.)Stand back up and do arm circles for - 1 minute
1.)Side step extending arms out to the side with each step out for - 1 minute
Finished !

Workout # 3
10.) Start in a chair do a seated march for- 1 minute
9.) Continue seated march but add in a stand up sit down aim for on a 10 count for - 1 minute
8.) Stand up, do side to side steps while moving arms like a march for - 1 minute
7.) Change arm motion to punch up above head for - 1 minute
6.) Stop punching and change to steping forward and back for - 1 minute
5.) Add in front facing ( jabs) punches at chest level for - 1 minute
4.) Jog in place for- 1 minute
3. )Return to sit in the chair. March legs and kick out foot ( L then R ) on 5 count for - 1 minute
2. ) Return to stand . Do a slow march and arm circles for- 1 minute
1. ) Side steps while raising arms palm side up to touch your chest for - 1 minute
Finished !

Food, Wellness, and Fitness Suggestions and tips (ideas) for busy people

Food, Wellness, and Fitness Suggestions and tips (ideas) for busy people 
- Do mini exercise bursts 5 mins here , 10 mins there 
- Find ways to exercise in mini bursts throughout your day , jog up stairs, do hand , and other stretches at work (just make sure your muscles aren't cold first ) 
-Prepare bases and make quick simple meals from that ex. make a big bowls worth of quinoa and then throughout the week just add a few ingredients to a portioned out amount of it ( grapes and walnuts ), (a frozen pack of mixed veggies and lemon juice ) etc. You can easily have 5 minute or less meals this way . If you take the 30 or so mins to prepare a larger quantity of a base ahead of time .
- Make large amounts of healthy food and then eat "left overs" some days/ nights . ex.Soups, large pasta dishes , fruit salads ,grain salads ...
- Keep healthy durable food in your car( dehydrated fruit,like prunes, apples, pineapples , etc. ) homemade vegan trail mix, a bag of healthy popcorn etc. ) . Don't buy fast food
- Take tiny meditation breaks just stop and do it for say 10 breaths 3 x . You can easily build and reap the benefits of regular meditation this way . surely we'll all give you a minute ?!
- Refuse the myth that you have to do formal meditation for 30 minutes or more a day to be doing any good. Try 5 to start with.
- when you are tired take a power nap ( 5-20 mins) if you can
-Make lists . If you make lists such as shopping lists, or to do lists and so forth ahead of time you will cut out time making decisions, contemplating, brain storming and searching during the day . You will be more efficient and on track , forget less things , and make fewer mistakes . It eases stress generated from these issues too .
-Use your comfort basket ( you made one right ?)
-Soak beans before cooking if you don't already. It reduces cook time substantially and takes only a few seconds .
-Plan and prepare healthy snacks ahead of time examples, celery sticks and nut butter or tahini , grapes, herb popcorn .This will cut back on spontaneous trips to the store for munchies , and feed you when you've run yourself hungry and just need a little something to give you an energy boost and tide you over to a bigger meal.
- You can also section off snack size portions which saves a little time and gives you a better idea of how long they will last
-Incorporate exercise and stretches when you are doing other things . Use your imagination ( and accurate safe techniques ) . You can do both stretches and exercise while you are talking on the phone, watching tv what else? Stretches can be done while reading , in mini breaks while cooking . When else?
- Hum, chant , sing, repeat a mantra , affirmation , or think of something that makes you happy while you are doing household chores , down in the dumps, and while you are becoming physically stressed
- Do plan your meals for the week. Rigidity and perfection aren't that important and, so what if you feel like having Tuesday what you planned for Thursday and do it. Make that all work . But try it(planning your meals for the week ) once you get used to it it'll save you a lot of time . And probably money too.
- Get social just to be social or fun regularly like every week . Set up a time and do it consistently , this can mean a weekly phone call to a friend , an afternoon or a couple hours on a social network and writing friendly emails , a tea date , " kids" play date, or countless other things .
- If you are lonely and are making yourself busy to deal with that . Date yourself .Especially , If that sounds horrifying or ridiculous , Yeah , break in some new shoes ( metaphorically ) and go out and do things you'd enjoy doing with a date , go have coffee or tea alone, go for a nature walk alone , a craft bizarre, art exhibit and so on . And uh don't hesitate to talk to strangers at these places, I mean you obviously have something in common and you're lonely . You'll be less lonely talking to someone else then yourself even if it's just a hi , do you know where blank is .
-Put your feet up ! You can do this while reading , while watching tv , right before sleep , before you get out of bed in the morning . Restore balance ! Put your feet up elevated above your head a stack of pillows , a wall (google that so you don't hurt your spine )are options .
- Go breath in some fresh clean air if you can in a nature heavy setting ( a mountain , the woods, by a river or lake or ocean perhaps )
-Journal, generally if you put things down they stop demanding so much of your thinking time .

Misconceptions or Myths I've frequently heard about why people won't go vegan :

Misconceptions or Myths I've frequently heard about why people won't go vegan :
#1 It'll be more time consuming "I don't have time"
#2 I'll have to eat tofu and I don't like tofu 
#3 It'll be more expensive and I can't afford it 
#4 I'll live a miserable life and always crave blank 

1. Response to number one .- It will? Why? It in general takes less time to cook plant based foods than animal products that you have to cook at a certain temperature for a certain time to kill salmonella etc. none of which plants have you can eat most tons of them raw . So if you don't want to cook a night you don't have too you can eat plants raw ! But when you do cook them they overwhelmingly wind up taking less cook time then animal products. Yes, in the beginning you will need to spend extra time changing your shopping habits , learning new things, reading packages . And eating out is more time consuming when you factor in driving, waiting and driving home then eating in !
2. You don't have to eat tofu ! lol . You don't ever , ever, have to eat tofu ! Some people have soy allergies (what tofu is made out of ) and eat perfectly healthy vegan diets.
3. Meat is more expensive than beans, seeds, legumes . Some vegan products , particularly the "transitional foods " or vegan versions of things you are used to , yogurt, faux meats, vegan cheese, and vegan microwave / processed meals are sometimes more expensive than their counter parts . Due to government ( Using our tax dollars and (, I suspect without tangible evidence I admit ), getting reimbursed through the connected systems it's in business with coughs pharmaceutical ) subsidies, the animal based products cost more money to make , use more resources , and cost more of our natural resources . So, is it really cheaper or put on a semi invisible credit card that racks up interest , doesn't get paid off and the debt weight falls on your children harder than you if the inertia continues in it's direction ? The more whole and to its original form the food you buy is the cheaper it is generally when talking vegan and oh what a curse people whine ( though not to many are long term vegans since were past detox ) the food that's the cheapest is the healthiest (organic/ conventional aside) So, yes the beans, and seeds , veggies,fruits and whole grains ( you can get from bulk bins in most places cheaper yet by the way ) are the cheapest and the most health promoting . Looking past a glance or jumping in and shopping vegan for awhile should show you what I believe, if you eat a few of the processed things a week and incorporate more foods in their original forms , learning to create with them and drop the animal products , it tends to balance itself out, costing around the same . Of course, it depends on what animal products you were buying to begin with. I'm using the cheapest ones to make this statement .(Thus it's apt to be cheaper too)
And when and if you come to reduce your consumption of processed stuff completely or eliminate it . It is in gambling terms probable that your food costs will go down .
One more statement on this # , let's be real , you know the hospital bills and doctor bills factor into this equation too ! If you don't check out the statistics ! ( See the China Study or other resources )
4. Yup, you may get miserable , I guess animal products have physically addicting properties( Read the Pleasure Trap or do other research if you desire ) you may go through withdrawals for a few weeks . But, here's some interesting information - Some people don't . And the benefits I found help in the same time line as withdrawals more than say quitting smoking or drinking . Especially true the more dark green leafys you take in and other whole foods you consume . To clarify that statement , in contrast to drug addiction and alcohol addiction where one tends to usually go through withdrawals and cravings while feeling like crap and depleted , The periods of craving animal products if you do, are accompanied by more recognizable health benefits , weight lifted and feeling better . It for me was just an annoying voice nagging me for cheese and icecream that I ignored and that nagged less and less as time passed . Everyone's body handles the change differently. I've listened to, read , and talked with hundreds of people who have done it and it seems overwhelmingly that most start experiencing welcome changes immediately like cleared up acne . ( How miserable ) and more energy . However, some people experience temporary yuck while their bodies detox toxins , such as gas and oily skin ( if they leave via your skin ) . Regardless , this is temporary and a very short amount of your life ! Where as eating animal products for the rest of your life comes with mass amounts of misery personal and otherwise . Let's stick with personal huh ? Constipation, depression , anger issues, confusion , extra weight to carry around, far increased amounts of colds, and flus, weaker bones and joints are a few of the many more mild problems . Take a look at the diseases likely !
I swear just like a smoker eventually stops craving cigarettes and is happier and freer without them so it is with animal products ..

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Veggie Wraps Hit the Spot ! - A Story

" Veggie Wraps hit the spot !"

 I realized I hadn't had veggie wraps in quite sometime and wanted to so , I put the ingredients on the shopping list and flash forward, decided I wanted to make and have them last night late yesterday morning. Come late afternoon I was really craving them . So ,in the evening  I went about rinsing and prepping the veggies and then making the wraps .
 I like to cooking but, I was enjoying creating the wraps in a special way . It was fun , it was peaceful , and kinda meditative . The beauty of the various colors delighted me - green, red, yellow , 2 shades of beige . So,wraps complete I was excited to bite in .
And you know what ?
 Eating those wraps was one of those fall back eye popping magical moments in time when you get just a perfect fill of what you need . You know what I'm talking about ? It's not specific to food but, sometimes it's about food . You ever have one of those hugs that comes at just the right moment from the right person and feels ideal or hit the freshly washed sheets after a tiring day and think "Yeah, that's exactly what I need" as your check hits the pillow ?
Well, these wraps really hit the spot !
And, I in collaboration , had created a new sauce for them . And that was just right too, making the whole thing just right ,making everything just perfectly right for the 15 minutes or so while I was eating them . ( and then again when I had left overs lol )
 Here's the "recipe": I advise you do the sauce to taste. Sample on !
Organic baby corn
Organic romaine leaf lettuce
Organic cherry tomatoes
Alvarado street bakery's tortillas .(So good ! Check them out and the ingredients here !-
Sauce - Organic tahini ,
Franks hot sauce, ( This is a vegan hot sauce that's pretty pure no mystery ingredients ),
 Nutritional yeast

 Now, I don't promise these, at the time you make them, will hit that spot for you though, they might . But, can you relate to the feeling of wanting , then craving , then making a meal that is really fresh , wonderful, wholesome, beautiful, and life-giving food that makes you 13 levels of satisfied and makes the notion that " there's no such thing as perfect" seem laughable and ridiculous?( And, if it wasn't vegan or was highly processed than no, you can not ! )
  If yes,I'd love you to leave a comment of your experience !
  If no,  you haven't experienced life yet !
  Get in touch with your inner cravings for pure foods !

Be Well ,

 P.S. You can also share your recipe and get new healthy recipes in one of these recipe groups if you are on Facebook.

Friday, February 14, 2014

What am I up to these days ?

 What am I up to these days ?
A number of projects are in the works .
Approaching an added credential
For the last three months I have been working on a continuing education course from the AFPA entitled " Science and Practice of Strength Training " it is soon approaching it's close and I look forward to announcing my certificate and passing of the course to my credential list .
This blog is fairly new and I am still in the process of transferring fb posts I've made here so, that they will be saved in a more organized fashion and accessible for any blog readers who choose not to follow me on facebook .
Body Movements
 I live in New England and it's winter here . A cold and snowy one too ! I am not much for winter sports and exercising in the cold really myself . My indoor home is currently a rather small space so, I have been creating mini burst workouts that can be done in small indoor spaces . I look forward to sharing some with you all soon . I appreciate and value the challenge and opportunity my situation has encouraged  - to create work outs that will assist others with limited space , time ,and who feel the same about winter exercise as I do .
 Though not as active in them as I have been at some points, my recipe groups,  I must boast have also received from me some great new recipes Ideal for winter this year and I encourage everyone to check them out and join up with a few clicks starting here ..... .   and/or here
The Artist in Me
 On a more personal note I have been given the wonderful opportunity to showcase paintings I have created , where they will also be available to buy ,at my favorite local tea lounge Twilight Tea  - . They will be on the walls through March and April . Yes, I'm also an artist ! :) Though these paintings are primarily not Wellness by Designed themed , there will be a few meditational scene paintings and the collection's theme is a colorful celebration of the warmer months, joy , life and combines reality with imagination and fantasy . I have been doing a good deal of painting these days .
 Coming To A Close
A couple of these projects are coming to an end this month ( February 2014 ) . And while I am enjoying them currently , I am also , excited for the new things that will fill their places in my schedule once they are complete.( And for Spring ! lol ;) ) A few things have already introduced themselves to me and will be allotted more time when this happens. Ideas are  flowing abundantly through my mind for which I'm happy and grateful  . This is my What am I up to these days post for now. I'll get back to you when the days are new ;) sort-of speak .
 Be Well,
P.S. There will be some hand (watercolor) painted postcards at Twilight as well . Available for take home at pocket change prices .

Friday, February 7, 2014

More to come More already there - At Facebook !

Hi , everyone . While I am in the process of transferring over a lot of facebook posts to this blog . You can view much more then what is currently posted here at if you are a member of facebook . Also I will title blog posts after the first line of Facebook posts most of the time to keep you from accidental double reading. Thanks , enjoy ,and when you feel like it  share , and, give me your feed back .
Be Well!

"You've Got A Rainbow Inside You "- 7 main chakras and color therapy ideas

A rainbow inside you . 7 main chakras and color therapy ideas 
As some of you are apt to know and some of you are apt not to know , the 7 most basic chakras in our bodies go up the center and have certain correspondences and vibrations . While some can have more than one color correspondence to choose from such as the crown chakra - purple,or white , and a couple others suggested by some . The line up can and is most often in the colors and line up of a rainbow !
From the bottom :
Root chakra - red (black )
sacral chakra - orange
solar plexus chakra - yellow ( gold)
heart chakra - green ( some say pink is a correspondence too )
throat chakra- blue
third eye chakra - indigo ( purple , dark blue )
crown chakra- purple ( white , I've also heard gold, or all colors itself )
So if your chakras are all healthy, strong , free from blockages , and aligned you have a bright rainbow within you ! When one ( at least when I did and go back to look ) starts researching chakras and what each area is responsible for and does ,a bit of a click or aha moment is apt to occur . You are apt to find a chakra or a few that scream help me ! I'm having issues , the problems are all over here ! And you may find other chakras that seem to be functioning much better . There are ways to work with your chakras and heal them which if you research it on your own you'll likely find out about some .
I think learning a little about each first is the best way to start ! Here's some healing ideas of the many though.
You can align all your chakras - using stones that correspond or with a chakra aligning sound and or color cd, video etc ( youtube has some of these ) I don't claim to know or profess that all or any of them work or don't . But sound and visual stimulus are powerful healing tools when used in a helping manor so , I certainly feel confident that done correctly these videos assist (research to find sound correspondences for the chakras and make your own educated plus intuitive choices about them )
You can also create your own music and practice chants to align your chakras also you can focus on a single chakra this way by just using its corresponding vibrations .
For individual chakra healing - You can use aromatherapy . You can investigate the scent correspondences and bring the scents into your life . sniffing essential oils, making a potperri or a salt water spritz, sometimes such as with mint there's one that can be bought/ grown in it's most complete form .
You can create mandalas to suit you and work with the colors of chakras you want to heal
You can wear clothing in these colors, particularly over the areas such as , blue scarf, red pants ,etc.
You can use gem therapy ( look into gem properties recommended ) or just using stones you are drawn to and are the same color . - place them over the chakra area and meditate , or carry the stone(s) around on your person , wallet, necklace , etc.
visualize in this color blue sky, blueberry fields etc ( throat )
Imagine your chakra healthy .
Note: Eating wisely and what is natural ( remember we're frugivores - see chart )and otherwise living a healthy lifestyle can not be replaced with chakra healing . It's like distressing with a hot bath . It will help but , if your life is full of stressors and chaos that stress is going to come back in before long , sit down and make itself at home again . So, do alter your lifestyle and diet to benefit your health . Do your best to be healthy ! AND DON'T LET WHAT YOU CAN'T DO TODAY OR ANY TIME STOP YOU FROM DOING WHAT YOU CAN ! ( YOUR BEST ) .
Be well and, take a good look at the rainbows from time to time