Monday, April 28, 2014

5 Ways to use maca root powder

5 Ways to use maca root powder : Please feel free to add your own vegan recipes with maca root to the list ! Send comments if you've got them !

1. Whipped potatoes with maca powder 
Ingredients :
-6 large russet potatoes
-1/2 C. vegan milk ( not coconut ) estimate
-2 tbs. maca root powder
-4 tbs basil ( optional )
-3 tbs oregano ( optional )
-pepper to taste( optional )

Directions : 1.) Chop potatoes into 1 inch chunks 2.) boil in enough water to cover 2 inches above potatoes add more water if needed until a fork glides through the chunks . 3.) Drain 4.) Add in half the vegan milk 5.) Whip with an electric beater and add in rest of vegan milk as you go . Add in more to get desired consistency if necessary . 6.) Once potatoes are smooth 7.)Add in herbs and powder and whip long enough to mix them in sufficiently . 8.) Eat

2. Herb Popcorn snack with maca 
Ingredients :
-1 bag pop's organic popcorn unsalted ( this also includes no oil ) or stove pop dry kernels
-2 Tbs. coconut oil
-1 1/2 tbs. basil
-1 tbs. oregano
-1/2 tbs parsley
-1 1/2 tsp. maca root powder

Directions : 1.)Pop popcorn  2.) add and mix oil . If it's solid you may need  to heat it 3. ) Add herbs and popcorn and mix well

3.Chocolate berry berry smoothie with maca 
-3/4 C. frozen blackberries
-1/2 C. frozen blueberries
-3/4 C. frozen raspberries
- soy milk or other vegan milk to cover in blender and more as needed
-1 1/2 Tbs. unsweetened cacao powder
-1 tbs. maca root powder

1.) Put about 2 inches of liquid in blender 2.)Then add other ingredients and finish off with the rest of the vegan milk 3.)Blend until well blended . you may need to stop the blender and mix around with a spoon some . 4.) enjoy

4. Hot cocoa with maca powder
Ingredients :
 -1 coffee mug not quite full of vegan milk ( not coconut )
-1 tbs. unsweetened cacao powder
-1/2 tsp . maca root powder
-agave syrup , rice syrup or zylitol (to sweeten) to taste

1.) Combine ingredients 2.) heat and stir until well blended and desired consistency and taste occurs .
Dandies marshmallows are vegan and delicious though not nutritious
100% pure extracts can also be added such as vanilla or peppermint

5. Maca cheezy sauce 
-1/2 C. nutritional yeast
-2 Tbs. healthy flour
-1/2 C. Vegan milk
-1/2 tsp. onion powder
-1/2 tsp. mustard powder
-1/2 tsp. black pepper
-1/3 tsp. maca powder
-1 tsp. coconut oil

1.) combine and mix ingredients 2.) heat until desired consistency and temperature occur
Franks hot sauce is a great add in -You know the one with all the understandable ingredients if you want a hot cheezy sauce .

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vegan athletic shoes !

Vegan athletic shoes ! Get the right shoes for your feet ! Do what's best for animals and what's best for Earth thus, best for you and future generations too and buy quality vegan shoes for the type of exercise you'll be doing ! Check out the link below !

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Special Earth Day Video ! Watch any Day though !

The Connection of Human Health and Earth's Health - Happy Earth Day !

  Two embedded and problematic thought patterns in our collective paradigm I wish to address are the fallacies of separatism and, "If a little is good, more must be better."

 Our health is holistic. Too many people think of health as area-specific, as in ," she has cancer of the breast , a weak heart, or arthritis in her knees ". This separation is an illusion . Sure, the specific areas really have manifested a problem but, they are not separate from the body whole. One is sick due to an imbalance in the body and it is inter-connected . The cancer is not only in the breast of an otherwise optimally healthy body and those problematic knees don't belong to someone otherwise in ideal condition . Rather, where a flowing illness has manifested so dramatically, it refuses to be ignored !

This separating seems to be a concept belonging to a paradigm here in the USA . We do it with more than we don't ! Food is an example . If you walk into a grocery store or turn on a TV, you will see it before long. "With added fiber!"," High in Omega 3's ", "Added calcium ", " Enriched wheat", etc. Enriched with what ? How many of us don't even ask but think "that's great !" We do this because  the term enriched indicates something was added. This is a problem!

 We as a culture have a very hard time letting go of the concept that if something is good more of it is always better.  This is very harmful and downright scary from my perspective!
 Sure, sometimes more is better but, certainly not always ! This culture reminds me of a young child screaming for more of things needing moderation as well as things that were never healthy to begin with , unaware of the concept of excess until it's severely felt . While the nation ( The U.S.A.) is young when sized up in age along with the rest of the world's countries, It is my opinion the nation has grown out of it's "metaphorical "teen years, is in it's early 20's now, and desperately needs to grow up and smarten up after it's reckless , drug addicted , destructive teen years .

Back to the food, too many people in this country see these labels and think things like " added calcium , calcium's good this must be extra good . "

When discussing separate nutrients like this we are using separatism, the separation of nutrients from the whole foods.  We are designed to eat food right off the Earth ! And, it is my belief we are granted color vision to guide us to all of the nutrients for optimal health . Red plants contain things green plants are lacking and vise versa . This is explained by Doctors in the Plant-Based Nutrition Course. So , with our love of variety and aesthetic beauty we are guided and capable of acquiring all needed nutrition without math and analytical thought if we adhere to nature's design .

 It's become over-complicated . It makes no sense to do massive amounts of processing to our food ; stripping it of fiber and other nutrients and then adding back nutrients from other sources at times. This makes for inferior food for sure !

 This however, is somehow part of the paradigm - part of the collective thought patterns of our society . The separatist thought pattern claims these nutrients are a whole on their own , don't need the larger whole, and thus it matters less where they (the nutrients) come from .
 In general, separatism in great measure is against nature's design .

There's another layer to the onion ... 
We do it to our home, The Earth ! We essentially  break her down , process her , extract things , and then at times try to add back in a version of what we've taken out from another source . Mono-crops are an example. We clear a large plot of land, change it's structure, till, plow , plant one type of crop , this mega crop consists of plants that all need the same nutrients because, its the same plant type so, the soil becomes depleted of these nutrients ( In contrast to the crop rotation method ) and then we humans, after seeing the problem try to add in these depleted nutrients from another source thinking that may fix the problem . But, it creates an artificial version of life which is far inferior to the wholesome and health of the real . We add in manure of all things. We try to fix the problems of the weakened area by spraying poisons,of all things. Poisons, designed with intent to kill the bugs that are attacking the unhealthy plants .

 Growing small scale veganic, organic gardens aligned with permaculture techniques in our backyards can be compared to cutting and cooking whole plants ; making salsa , a grain salad , grinding a nut butter. The original structure of the environment like the food is changed but , slightly . The health of the land prevails as, is true with our bodies . In contrast, eating matter that our bodies aren't designed to eat but,can be accused of coping with,  including meat , dairy, and eggs as well as, whole foods put through massive amounts of processing. Processing such as converting wheat berries into bleached all- purpose flour which is frequently combined with other processed foods and made into boxed and microwavable packaged meals found in grocery store freezers. This is comparable to what factory farms  and mono-crops do to the planet  . Eating animal products and highly processed foods destroy and break the integrity of health . They constrict the ability of the systems ( human body and Earth ) to maintain balance, self-heal ,protect, and maintain health.

The layers just keep on because life and the planet, like the human body, are inter-connected . Not only have we hurt ourselves on an individual level by consuming animal products and buying highly processed "foods" , we have also had to harm the land , climate , and environment humongously in order to create these products, that are not in line with the laws of nature . We have had to harm large groups of people - in the process of dominating their native lands, and by ignoring their hunger while directing grain to farmed animals needlessly,a great multitude of ecosystems , the rain forest (sometimes known as the lungs of the planet)
  Earth's waters (sometimes known as the blood of the planet) and, now with global warming occurring, one might say Earth's developed a fever !

If we insist on going against nature and eating things that aren't food for humans , thus making ourselves sick we insist on making all these other factors sick as well . The planet like an orange or a human, is not so much made up of separate pieces and systems as it is an inter-connected whole.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Triple R Earth Day List - Special Earth Day Wellness exercise But, of course will be beneficial to do on any day !

Triple R Earth Day List
Special Earth Day Wellness exercise But, of course will be beneficial to do on any day !

While blogging I became inspired to come up with three ways in which I can and will reduce , three ways I can and will reuse , and three things I can do to tweak and  improve my recycling . So, this list is born . I encourage you to consider this listing project for yourselves , follow through , and to share them here if you'd like . I'd love to see others!

I created this Earth Day list for myself and later realized it's a good thing to share . If you do more to take care of the planet we will all feel benefits . You individually will feel benefits , like an increased sense of self- esteem , in the same way keeping a clean home provides more self esteem then keeping a messy, cluttered, and or dirty one as an example . So Happy Early Earth Day ! Please, take heed to care for Earth as best you can all year round and honor this holiday by evaluating your self and actions and looking into what steps you can take to conjure up new long lasting important improvements !

This is the exercise or project I created for myself and I suppose unknowingly for you as well .
(I haven't finished it yet .)

 " Earth Day Triple  R list . "
R educe - 1.) vehicle gas with improving weather , 2.) tea packaging- through buying loose leaf and making my own blends more  3.)electrical use
R euse- 1.) worn out clothes - as rags for cleaning 2.)
R ecycle - 1.)Crushing cans to prevent cats and other animals from getting injured .2.) take batteries and other special recycling place stuff to appropriate location 3.) Write down information on special recycling items I don't yet know about

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Veganize it !

Veganize it !

Veganize - It means to take a dish that isn't vegan and make it vegan . It will remain the same except the non-vegan ingredients will be removed and substituted for vegan ones when necessary . So, let's talk about it .
 I know before I became vegan and when I was just being familiarized with what it is dietary wise I was presented only with what people don't eat when they are vegan . Which made it sound like a lifestyle of deprivation . Which I now as a vegan of over 3 years find it to be the exact opposite ! I have gained more not lost anything of value . I have gained more spiritually , mentally , emotionally , physically . My health has improved in all these ways . Everything I have shed I have found to be relieving ! It is as if the shedding has made room for abundance ! :) And, my food intake is ironically ? , more diverse and full of variety . Whereas it was not when I wasn't vegan . Appearances are often deceiving !
 It is unfortunate that that is the way veganism tends to come off - as a lifestyle involving one to give up their favorite foods and live without , in deprivation, and unsatisfied ! Perhaps, it is some sort of test . I don't know. but, I hope to clear up some of the misunderstanding my younger self experienced for some of you .

You may think -

Vegan = seeds, veggies, fruits, nuts, beans, legumes .
You may not realize veganism can mimic and sometimes replicate exactly the tastes and textures of what you already eat !
It also , makes one healthier and if you haven't felt the weight lifted from removing a typical American Diet and replacing it with a vegan one , you can't imagine what a beautiful thing this health actually is yet !
There are vegan lunch "meats " that taste so much like animal meat I'm repulsed by them . There are other vegan meats that are the same ordeal like tofurky loafs , vegan chicken nuggets, vegan fish fillets, and anything you can think of
There are a multitude of vegan milks
there is vegan mac and cheese that tastes identical
Corn chowder-no problem
Baked goods - taste identical or better when they are veganized . It's easy most all the time !
There are vegan ice creams - coconut milk , or soy milk , or almond milk, or ... on and on . these can taste identical but, I find the ones I eat to taste  better !

The thing is healthy food will eventually taste good to you and unhealthy food won't because your taste buds flip over and become re-sensitized to better taste and enjoy what they are designed to . It is like a drug addict or a cigarette smoker . Sometimes at first life doesn't feel better when you quit but, after a little while the air you breath feels better , you smell the scents of nature more strongly and you enjoy it thoroughly . Life is better !

Scrambled tofu mimics scrambled eggs and I heart it ! :)
Nutritional yeast cheezes stuff up in a scrumptious way and daiya shreds is a tasty gooey melt-able vegan cheese
Some vegan sliced cheeses are great on sandwiches too .
Dandies marshmallows are orgasmic !
If you can name it it can be veganized !
And , you will undoubtedly find new foods you love if you abandon your tired , unhealthy heavy routine eating and like a child indulge in the adventurous curious playful journey available for you to discover !

Saturday, April 19, 2014

I call it Vegan Ambrosia - Translation-" food of the Gods" - and it tastes the part !

I call it vegan Ambrosia ( ambrosia means food of the Gods ) My Spring Celebratory Dish and it is beyond delicious ! ingredients are :Dandies cut in half ( vegan marsh mellows the best marshmallows ever ! I swear ! still full of sugar but, without the disgusting gelatin and they taste so very superior ) pineapple, manderine oranges ( kept in cans with pear juice instead of corn syrup) , dark cherries- bought frozen and de-thawed , green grapes, unsweetened coconut shreds, kiwi sliced and quartered and halved for diversity sake . You can easily do this with a many of other fruits !

Wellness Exercise Reminder - Gratitude is not for one day in November ! It's best used by incorporating it into your way of being !

Wellness Exercise Reminder - Gratitude is not for one day in November ! It's best used by incorporating it into your way of being ! 

Back in November I typed of a wellness exercise called a gratitude list . Not a one time practice this is meant to be a routine practice . I do it daily and recommend that truly but, said you could do it daily or weekly or whatever fits into your schedule . This is true you can . Gratitude though, is most useful to us when we make it a regular and daily attitude , a regular part of our lives . Gratitude is not just for one day out of the year or when something great happens to us . It is helpful to find gratitude every day even on our bad days !
In terms of the law of attraction making daily gratitude lists , finding, observing , and feeling things to be grateful attracts more to be grateful for . 

Where as, focusing on the negative attracts more of it into our lives .
Don't worry about an order to it . I am grateful for my new coffee cup can be number 1 and I am grateful my mother survived her heart attack can be number 5 . It really makes no difference and I find trying to order them is actually counter productive . 

Try to keep it positive and not negative but, that's not a in stone rule . So for instance , I am grateful my mom survived rather than I am grateful my mom didn't die .
Some days may be more challenging than others but, even when things are horrible one should be able to come up with 5 things a day to be grateful for . When things seem really bad your list may include things like I am grateful I have both my feet . that's fine ! That's good . Just think them up and write them down . It is part of the point to think of 5 no matter what is going on . 

So, the exercise is simple . You can tweek it to your liking like I said you can do it weekly or every other day but, I recommend you do it daily . You can do 10 instead of 5 . you can do it on your lunch break or any time of the day but, I recommend you do it first thing in the morning or right before bed or both . It only takes a few minutes .
Here's an example of the exercise . These are 5 of mine today . 

1. I am grateful for the warm and sunny weather we are now having .
2. I am grateful for my family
3. I am grateful I was able to attend Vegfest
4. I am grateful for our indoor plumbing
5. I am grateful I see more ground when I go outside now .

If you want a more intense ritual or to expand your ritual you can add three sentences about each . I recommend you list all 5 first and then go back to write about them afterward . This way you create a flow of gratitude for several different things right away . Here's my example elaborated .
1. I am grateful for the warm and sunny weather we are now having .
2. I am grateful for my family
3. I am grateful I was able to attend Vegfest
4. I am grateful for our indoor plumbing
5. I am grateful I see more ground when I go outside now .
1. I have been craving going outside and being comfortable , feeling the suns warmth . I have been longing to do more outdoors while enjoying myself and I've been missing the grass and comfortablity outdoors that is present in the warmer seasons. Now, we are having warm and sunny weather and it's brought me happiness and uplifted my spirit .
2. I love them and I'm thankful to have them in my life . It feels good to be a part of a family and not alone at times . It makes me glad and makes my life easier to have their help , support , and company .
3. Vegfest was great ! I am so happy and thankful i was able to go and reap all the benefits from it ! I am especially moved by being at the first ever in the area where I am from not that I wouldn't be as happy or happier if it had been a long standing practice !
4. I realize life is nicer when one can flush ones toilet, take a hot shower, and use ones sink facet . It certainly makes my life easier than it would otherwise be . I appreciate having these functions at my disposal day in and out and for the quality of life it affords .
5. It makes me involuntarily smile. It brings a warming happy sensation into my art and it excites me . I am joyous about it and excited for what it means as well as the uplifting of my spirit just by seeing it .

So, obviously if you choose to do the elaborated version it will take you a little longer but, it's apt to bring increased benefits as well , putting you in deeper realization and awareness of your feelings and gratitude .
Thanks for reading . Be Well ! And don't forget , Gratitude is not for one day in November !

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Got kids?

Got kids?
A couple questions I've been asked are do I do vegan or plant-strong coaching with children and families or just individuals ? If yes, does everyone have to pay $30 an hour or can a family all be coached at once at $30 an hour ?
The answers to these questions are yes, I do do coaching with children and with families and yes, families can meet with me at once for the same price as individuals .
A Few Notes about children
As we know children's minds are like sponges . It is often easier for children to learn and change than it is for adults . Children have a less tainted / indoctrinated view of the world than do adults who have been watching tv, commercials , seeing billboards , and living in this society that reinforces certain things and discourages others far longer than have children .
Children are easily influenced by" the monkey see monkey do" philosophy when it comes to mimicking their parents and caregivers behaviors .
For these and other reasons I'm often still baffled when I read articles and hear people talk saying their kids are rigid in their eating habits.
I doubt it !
If parents decidedly are going to eat plant based , vegan and even plant strong for that matter their children will almost always go along . It may take a little time before their attitudes about it aren't challenging.
- They aren't used to it
- It takes a few weeks for taste buds to flip over so initially they may crave unhealthy foods and not enjoy eating a lot of plants , going without sugar etc.
If you explain why you are doing it ( and , it certainly tends to speed up the process if this includes not killing or hurting the animals . Children generally know animals to be friends and don't want to hurt them in! And have less years of practice suppressing that instinct than adults ) ,
Get kids involved in cooking
Don't waver and give them back unhealthy food ( So, they can detoxify from it and the taste buds can flip )
And are a good strong example for them .
Make some things they already like and are familiar to them ( peanut butter banana sandwich , anyone? ) as well as bring in new things
That's often all that's needed .
Below are a couple wonderful resources

V is for Vegan - The ABC's of kindness - afl link here <iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="">
This book was not on my annual recommended list because, I had yet to read it but, having recently discovered the wonderful and exciting news that my library has it , I went up to the children's room and read it ! It's a wonderful and darling book .

Apples, Bean dip , and Carrot Cake by Anne Dinshah found on my annual recommendations list in notes !
This book is wonderful !

I am certainly here for families ! Happy Spring !
Start fresh , Get healthy , Be well !

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Is this where the phrase you're full of shit came from ? - shrug

" Is this where the expression you're full of shit came from ? "

You are what you eat means that what you eat is not separate from you . It becomes you . And thus, you are what you eat and what you eat is you .
I think this is very true .
I think I get it now.
 It doesn't mean if you eat broccoli you are going to become a broccoli floret or if you eat a pig you will become a pig though , with animal foods the DNA is a more exact transfer than it is with to plants,
 for instance if you eat depressed ,fattened, sick animals you are much more likely to become fat, sick and depressed than you are to become green and stationary from eating broccoli!
If you eat dead flesh that rots in your body you become deadened and rot . But, Sabrina.....
 I just checked my vitals "It appears I'm alive ?"
 Yes, I figured but, you are dead in ways if you have it in your body .  Take the 30 day vegan challenge and tell me I'm wrong .

 Some of you know that you are eating things that aren't real  food , and are toxic poison - artificial flavoring , aspartame in pepsi and elsewhere , which is ant poison  .
You too are poison / poisonous ( in a sense)

When you eat it where do you think it goes?
 You are carrying it around in your body . You have become one with it .

The same is true for tortured , sick ,enslaved ,psychologically traumatized, anxiety ridden , depressed , angry, frustrated , murdered animals .
That becomes you.

Can anyone disprove the equation? food+ you = you/food
So about the feces ....
Over 51 % of all meat contains fecal matter thus , if you eat it ... I'm just saying check it out ..

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Want Coffee To Release it's Addictive Hold on You ?

Want Coffee To Release it's Addictive Hold on You ?

- These aren't "miracle cures " there's apt to still be work in breaking the addiction but, here are some tips that may make it easier !

1.) Chicory - start either replacing coffee with chicory tea or start adding c hickory into your coffee and reducing the coffee gradually (don't add it to instant coffee)

2.) Switch to de-cafe or as with chicory combine them and reduce the caffeinated coffee and when you are at 100% de-cafe all the time go from there . ( Note De-cafe doesn't mean caffeine free )

3. ) Have a tea instead . I personally get sick if I do white or green tea as well as many others first thing in the morning . Ones that do seem like breakfast teas and work for me so far have been sometimes earl grey with soy milk , and more often rooibos chai with soy milk

4.) Start one or more healthy suggestions from my list in this post .

5.) Get more sleep / improve the quality of your sleep if you are able ( Got E.M.F. waves you don't have to have? Have heavy things over your head you don't have to such as a ceiling fan ? Are you relaxing into sleep or zoning into tv and drifting off ? and so forth )

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Did you catch my personal organizer youtube videos ?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Quickie on Astro New Year

 I'm sorry I'm late but, Astrologically speaking , when The sun moved into Aries on March 20th we had the astrological New Year !
What does this mean ? And, if I'm late why am I bothering to tell you at all ?
 Well, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and it has to do with independence , personal goals, beginning, action, and more . The sun is still in Aries so, I'm telling you because, you still astrologically speaking have the benefit of Aries energy . If you didn't set goals around January first, they aren't working out , or you'd like to make new ones , now is an excellent time !
  Not only do you have the starter I am , Aries energy on your side , it is the beginning of Spring . Spring is a great season for newness, new life is coming forth , new beginnings are abound and encouraged .
 So, If you'd like to , take a personal inventory and set personal goals . The Sun's energy this month should work in your favor to help decipher what it is YOU truly want and give you a good head start .
Be Well

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Experience at The First Ever Valley Vegfest March 29th, 2014

My Experience at The First Ever Valley Vegfest March 29th, 2014 

 On Saturday March 29th, 2014 I had the great pleasure of attending the first ever Valley Vegfest held in North Hampton , Massachusetts .

 This was monumental for me and my area . This was not the first Vegfest I have been to ( It is the 2nd ) but, it was the first one in my home region and the closest one ever to be held in my home region as far as I know. So, as happy as I am for the existence of and to attend any Vegfest, I was extra happy for this one !
 It didn't disappointment me .

 The day started with us receiving raffle tickets and then being able to choose from more than 6 different prizes we'd like to play for . They were great prizes . I chose a visit to an animal sanctuary for me and everyone who lives in my household .

 We then preceded to walk into the room full of exhibitors where we walked from table to table meeting people and seeing what they were displaying and sharing . There were free hummus samples, free cashew cheese spread samples , and free " Way Better snacks " chips. That lady in fact, was giving out bags for free . I must tell you they are way better ! We found our favorite to be the sweet chili .

 We saw tables of vegan beauty supplies and sun tan lotion and received samples , we saw smoothies being made by a bicycle powered blender , Mercy for Animals and others with educational information they handed out free  , books that were being sold that I drooled over , animal sanctuaries inviting us to come see them ( One woman told us with a healthy glow that chumps most pregnant women's how the place was a sanctuary for her ), and of course there was food for sale - vegan cupcakes, various sweets and a peanut noodle dish among a few other things. We picked up literature , mingled , picked up stickers , mingled, and made our way to the first lecture we attended ..

 It was by Neil Hornish   and . And he did a talk on " Diet and Environment ". It was educational for me though , I was not completely ignorant on the subject, and it was very enjoyable . He allowed a good chunk of the time to be allotted to a question and answers section and I quickly found I was in a room of very bright , intelligent , and caring people . The talk was not only about what impacts diet has on the land but, also on the native species of the land , and the people in other regions . It was great as I said !

 We went to three discussions which, because of the Q and A section Mr. Hornish provided were similar to the lecture in structure .

  The first one we attended was " Interacting with non-veg family members" led or moderated by Dr. Casey Taft , Ph.D. - I was glad to be there and I was glad to be able to respond to a few people's questions and offer some help and insight . For instance - " How do we approach Muslim people who have it in their religion to eat animal products ?" Me - " They don't have it in their religion the Koran  actually discourages it in places ( I had already stumbled upon that info ) I have info saved if you'd like my contact information ."
 Because , I have a peer support group for vegans living with non- vegans on face book link follows
When the discussion was over I stood up in the middle and told people this, with a stack of my business cards in hand and was greeted with many hands and found myself twirling in a bit of a circle as I handed them out ! :) Great times ! What party is complete without dancing ? :)

  "Effective Activism " with Pattrice Jones was our next discussion . A great one indeed ! At first as I was sitting there I thought " I'm in the wrong room I should be listening to the lecturer speaking in a different room at this time instead of this because, it's repetitive to me . " ( That is a downfall of Vegfests , you will have to choose between lectures/discussions/demonstrations some as, some are held at the same times :/ ) but, alas, I decided to stay and I'm very glad I did because, the discussion moved passed that and into some great fresh to me questions and responses . It was humbling and great to be in that room !

  The following Discussion we attended was " GMO food and Agrochemical concerns" with Ed Stockman, M.S. While attending this discussion I learned some facts, heard good news , and heard bad news . The good news being certain state initiatives and progresses toward getting GMOS labeled . There is no benefits or good news in favor of GMO food as far as I can see with my binoculars on or off. It was good to be able to take some sort of action , to sign that I'm pro labeling , and to take notes becoming better educated .

 " Raising Healthy Vegan Dogs and Cats " with Michael Roth , D.V.M. was the final discussion we attended . I enjoyed it . Though, I am well aware of the benefits of having the omnivorous dog species on a vegan diet and the benefits cats - natural carnivores, can experience on a proper vegan diet for them including taurine , I learned in the discussion . For instance , I had a rumor of onions being  potentially harmful  to cats confirmed by this vet . I learned about variety and ratios - protein , vegetable - grain needs for health, how dogs fasting for a few days until succumbing their stubbornness and eating new food isn't generally dangerous ,but how cats doing it can be ,and more . It was a comfy home-like  environment for me in this discussion room .

View the SLIDE SHOW HERE just click on the link -

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hygiene Recipes

Hygiene Recipes

  • BODY SCRUB, FACE, AND FOOT - fine sea salt of choice (Celtic, Himalayan...etc.)1 drop essential oil compatible with your skin type per 3/4 C salt ,coconut oil about 2 parts, salt 1 part  you can refrigerate it ,add Vermont organic's lemongrass soap or pure vegetable glycerin if you desire , a few drops extra plant oils if you want/need for skin type such as apricot oil 
  • BATH SACHETS - herbs, tea bags ,or coffee filters ( non dyed or bleached ) string together or iron shut bags   
  • BATH AND FOOT SOAKING SALTS -Epsom salt , a few drops of essential oil compatible with skin and or dried crushed herbs or flowers of choice such as rose petals and rosemary.( Peppermint's great for feet !) Optional 1/4 tsp baking soda per 1 C. salt 
  • COCONUT CONDITIONER - coconut oil 3 parts , vermont organic soap or vegetable glycerin( optional ) a few drops ,water  1 part 
  • MOISTURIZER -100% cocoa butter , shea butter or , coconut oil or a mixture 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Would I lie to you ? Did I ? Maybe ...Read on .... I certainly withheld information ! Eat a Rainbow post

Would I lie to you ? 
Did I ? 
Maybe ...Read on .... I certainly withheld information ! 
Eat a Rainbow post ( ) Ok, that wasn't entirely true .

So here's the thing .... Whole vegan foods ( that's fruits, veggies, beans, legumes,seeds, mushrooms, etc. ) are not always perfect . We all know if they were sprayed with chemicals aka not organic aka commercial . that has an impact. Is having added chemicals/bug poisons added to our produce a benefit ? Noo. Is it healthy ? No.
Pyramid of ick !
But , there seems to be a bit of a pyramid of ick . That is a pyramid of toxicity .So, if you define healthy as the top of the pyramid ( The healthiest imaginable ) then what I said in the post ( ) isn't true because , it lacks info. Define healthy? The healthy or healthiest it rationalizes would be whole vegan foods grown in veganic re-mineralized soil, made and grown by you mineral rich soil made from composting and gardening. The healthier your food becomes the healthier the peels and rinds and scraps you add to your compost/soil is and, thus its a cycle of increasing health .

Even Organic

Even organic fruits . veggies and so forth are apt to be grown in feces /manure filled fertilizer/soil . This is also long standing practice of rural gardeners and farmers right?
Here's the problems , first of all lets talk average produce thats got factory farm run off and waste in the fertilizer and that is from highly sick animal feces as well as urine, blood, cancer growths, puss, antibiotics galore and so on .
Local farm fertilizer, that is if a farm uses the waste of animals existing there and creates it's own fertilizer from it rather than buying it commercially .. , is not exempt from sickness , blood , urine, necessarily antibiotics or anything else off the list above. They are all potentially in there .
So no having your food absorb these things is not a healthy, good thing . To reiterate what I said at the top, I feel that it's important to avoid getting overwhelmed important not to throw your hands up in the air and say " well, I can't win so, I'll eat whatever . "There are great benefits from elevating yourself out of the yuck swamp at the bottom of the pyramid and moving up to a higher level even if it isn't the tip !

Rome wasn't built in a day and our food system won't be rebuilt in one day either . It's already in the process of rebuild and it has been for more than a day . If everyone says " Eh, too much work to do anything . I'll just eat a mainstream American diet because, I'm helpless or whatever, than it never will be rebuilt ! We need you. Your friends and family need you alive and healthy! So , come on ! I think the practical thing to do is to first get rid of the products on the bottom of the pyramid . This stuff is so toxic and gross it is like the bottom of the pyramid rests in a combo of a dumpster , shit pond , and medical waste dumping center ! Really ! Do your research .
#1 These bottom of the pyramid nasty things are all animal products . This means meat ,dairy , all animal milk , eggs, gelatin, honey , and derivatives including but not limited too casein,lanolin,and whey, natural flavors ( flip a coin -it could contain blood, mucus and more ! )

#2 Do your best to progress from there when you are ready, in the way you are ready too. Some people can and would rather jump into veganic organic gardening and eating a wholefoods plant based (vegan ) diet immediately .They win but, I kid- It's not a game .
Avoiding the known gmo crops commercially replacing them with organic versions and eating as much organic as possible I think is a good place as is responsible wild crafting, gardening, and using farm stands and farmer's markets where you can share your wisdom , and concerns, ask questions, and learn about what you are eating from the mouths of the growers ( but remember they have something to sell so, if they explain to you why its safe or clean or healthy to do it their way research that with other sources who don't have a financial incentive invested in the products! )
Just keep learning, and sharing and bettering your way of eating at a speed that doesn't make you throw your hands in the air and say f*** it all but, at the same time honors your self worth .