Saturday, July 26, 2014

New Moon in Leo - 7-26-14 - and Wellness

  I am really feeling the energy of this new moon . I have been among other things prompted to set a goal for 2015 - that is , a goal with parts to do and complete before 2015 is over .
 I did my New moon collage this morning ( the way I do them ) and later remembered a collection of moon collages I put on facebook along time ago back when I first started my business page  and , I wanted to share them here . I also checked in on a blog I follow to find a post about this moon that I am also sharing here.  (the link toward the end )
 I'm excited of prospects and possiblities I feel emerging under this strong fun loving heart filled Leo - Summer energy and I am happy !
 Do you feel anything ? Have you been giving yourself meditational time to observe ?

The way I do the moon collages is to simply take a stack of magazines , some cardboard I've cut into circleish shapes and, some vegan glue, then sit down without distractions and cut out everything that calls to me to be cut out without questioning , analyzing, needing a reason for it to be cut out or put on the collage ( I keep in mind Ill need some background colors or images as I do this ) . when I feel like it ( I dont always use everything I cut out )  I look at what I have in relation to collage space and I glue when I feel ready . I often have to scout background once I am content with the rest since, I often at that point , don't have enough background.

Wishing everyone a wonderful new cycle !:)
Be Well !

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Spring 2014 Photo Show and Tell !

Here I am exploring a piece of the mountain I hiked that was off trail .

Here I am on the trail sporting great words if you can zoom in and check them out . Abraham Lincoln quote on the shirt !

This picture was taken from the top . :) A great view ! You can only see a piece here. It was an exhilarating and a great hike up and down . About 2 hrs and 15 mins up . 

The next three photos were taken of early Spring flowers spotted on a walk .


Above... Climbing a tree at the park . And below Me kissing that very wonderful tree ! I'm a huge tree kisser ! Ummm.. Why not !!??! I mean they provide me with oxygen !

Bee water! Me putting out water for the bees. Bees have to work very hard for water ! This is designed to be shallow so, they don't have to struggle not to drown which happens in rivers alot , is clean and possess no risk of predators. For everyone who doesn't know, there's been a huge decline in bumble bees due to commercial honey business - the close confinement and bee shows accelerated a mite epidemic ! Please mimic - these are marbles in there . 

This is from hiking on a different day .

Playing velcro ball on the last day of Spring ! I really had a lot of fun here ! I hadn't played velcro ball in more than a decade probably . Great game ! I love it ! Do you remember velcro ball ? Any other 90's sports toys ?I'd love to re remember some great old favorites !