Sunday, December 15, 2013

Wellness Exercise: Try your resolutions on for size

Wellness exercise: " Try your resolutions on for size "

Many people subconsciously relate New Year's resolution with failure so, my advice is if you want to do some things differently in 2014 ,have goals for 2014 , or want to make resolutions but, haven't been good at keeping your resolutions in the past, change it up . Modify the practice . Don't do it the same way or word it the same way as you have been . For instance, rather than write and or say these are" my resolutions", you can write/say 2014 goals.
What goals do you have ? What might you want to eliminate , change, modify? Below is a wellness exercise I created .
If it feels right and you like it just how it is , use it just how it is but, if you feel drawn to modify it and make it your own more , go for it .
I find it a good time astrologically to brainstorm now about 2014 , I find it a good idea to brainstorm about 2014 now as preparatory activity for other reasons , and to try your resolutions on for size as well. Sagittarius in astrology is the archer . " aim true",I've written this wellness exercise with that in mind.

Wellness Exercise : "Try your resolutions on for size "

Step 1: Take a piece of paper, draw a circle in the center and write 2014 . Then do a brainstorm (cluster, web.. ) write anything that pops into your mind after writting 2014 , draw a circle around each and connect them to 2014 using lines with arrows (how Sagittarian friendly ) . This does not mean limit yourself to writing goals for 2014 . Put down whatever enters your mind . Examples : graduation year, milestone bday ,goal-run more , eat healthy, join poetry club , less housework ? , reduce spending, feel less anxious, climb Mt. such and such , family from Ireland visit , year of wood horse (Chinese astrology) , etc.

Step 2: On another piece of paper or the back of that one brainstorm (same way as above ) any of these things that call out "How will I do this ?" for instance , "feel less anxious " might . Remember this isn't about decisive choices you will make . It is about allowing all your thoughts that come up to be expressed in the web . Example for feel less anxious : google tips,Is it just me?, start meditating ,quit smoking , reduce caffeine,sugar,alcohol consumption, eliminate anxiety ridden animal products , eat more whole plant foods instead ,prepare better, avoid procrastination ,feng shui, what kind of anxiety do I have ?,seek help etc...
If there is any like this that you don't feel like tackling with a brainstorm at the time, don't ! That's ok. Set aside paper to do it later though by writting it in a circle and leaving adequate space (or reserving a full sheet of paper) . Or just start the storm with one or two things and then leave it to do another time . Example: feel less anxious , google tips , Is it just me ?

Step 3 : Think of some of the things you want (or may want ) to have ,do, be, stop, and change in 2014. Pick some to start playing with now without rigid commitment.
Examples: join poetry group- look for some online and or elsewhere read about them , join one if you are so inclined or think on what one you'd most like
Reduce anxiety - start pausing and counting to ten when you feel particularly anxious
Deciding weather to keep, discard or modify a ritual ; writing daily gratitude lists of 5 things, done every morning .- go days without doing it , do it partially some days, do more than 5 , list everything you can think of instead of 5 , try it in the evenings, do it as normal some mornings and see how these different things feel .

Step 4: Get a journal or use one you already have to journal about your changes . You can label the first page 2014 prep or jump start ,or "trying on goals "or,"resolutions,"or" new ways for size" . Use it to document what you are doing and why as well as how it's going ,how you feel , new ideas, etc. as time goes by .
This if you choose can flow into a 2014 goal journal or standard journal come January 1st .

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