Friday, May 23, 2014

Annual recommended reading list with my Personal review journalings about each !

1. The World Peace Diet by Dr. Will Tuttle goes into some truths that upon real consideration are obvious yet, are essentially hidden because of our paradigm.
This is my all time favorite book! It is actually epic ! It is epic and I don't mean that in a light sense . Although, I read this book after I had been vegan for over a year it taught me connections I clearly see now but, was completely blinded too before reading it . And , I was shocked I was blinded to them ! These connections have helped me greatly in my life . They have helped me to better understand other people and communicate with them , it has helped me understand our world and what is going on better . It made me realize I have more power than I realized .I'd prefer to let these people introduce/ review this book. 

2. "The Pleasure Trap" By. Douglas Lisle , Ph.D, and Alan Goldhamer, D.C. 

This book, The Pleasure Trap , is a very important read , it provides insight into human nature based on evidence of pre-history, the documented history, and science of human bodies and brains .
Sample: Animals in nature don't get too fat too function ,not close , so why do people ?

More than the issue of overweight humans, The Pleasure Trap tells you why you are tempted , addicted, or struggling against doing certain things that are not in the best interest of your health and reproduction ( which apparently we are all biologically programmed to go for as a priority )

I see this book as a scientific theory of the pre -history and History of humans - the animals , motivated by the motivational triad- pleasure seeking , pain avoidance, and energy conservation continuing on to an explanation of current human predicament . It's a book that explains the science of our collective actions , some of how & why we get hung up on addictions and, how some other unnatural advances effect us such as, electricity . How does it all change us over time ?

I have quite frequently told people The World Peace Diet is my all time favorite book . Everyone on the planet should read it and if anyone was to read only one book in their lives I'd strongly encourage it to be that book .

Now, I do feel that way ! But, I'm having a bit of a shake up inside about the idea of people only reading one book .Thank goodness it's not coming down to a one book a lifetime allowance for us !

For me The Pleasure Trap proved an interesting read that educated me about things I was unaware . Things I believe we all yearn to know about ...our nature in it's simplest form and it's connection to where we are now . I was grateful and refreshed for reading this book. Also , relieved to have things make sense and reason .
Get it now .

3. " The Between Boyfriends book" by: Cindy Chupack 
Break ups - You ever have a friend who goes through a break up and then wants to talk to you about it again and again and keeps repeating herself or musing over different whys, faults , etc.? This friend just seems unable to move on , is a little fixated on it and you've gotten sick of the topic .
Well, this is probably a great book for that friend or hmmm hmm " your friend".
Admittedly, it's been awhile since I've read it but, as I remember it...
The book is a funny friend that through out all the pages is doing the very same thing and is relating to your friend at this time in her life . The author's "in the same boat ". Sometimes a dose of one's own medicine really is medicine and what a person needs. This is just that . But, in a new and unique special sense of the phrase .
This is not a self help book in the traditional psychological, do these exercises, sense of the term and, it is not a book that will make the reader feel worse ( I doubt it anyway ) with sad or happy stories that will make your friend feel nostalgic and consumed with despair.
It instead is apt to put into perspective life and the situation , that there is more to life and help the reader get through it again, by having a friend "in the same boat " (during different breakups ) on each page telling her stories for as long as it takes to finish the book. ( takes in air after a long run on sentence. Sorry everyone !) .
It's a book you really must read to understand I think. So, using your own judgement on the timing of when this book is ready to be read , I recommend doing so if you find yourself in this predicament .

4. "Meditation for Dummies "by: Stephan Bodian 
When I have suggested to a client that they start meditating or ask if they do meditate I have always got answers like these " How do I do it , I just sit there and what ? "," I tried but I can't "," I tried but, it's really hard and I couldn't stop thinking " and so on .
This book , like the other Dummy book I recommended ,I feel does a really good job breaking down the subject (meditation) into categories and subcategories and giving the reader a wide scope of valuable information on meditation . This one also includes a cd with over an hour of guided meditations.
The book tells you among other information , what meditation is and isn't (Let's be sure we know before we run away screaming since it has so many health benefits !), why one might want to meditate - benefits (here's a couple as a teaser - performance enhancement and breaking out of bad habitual patterns), postures , different types of meditation , why it's initially so challenging aka explains "beginner's mind", about developing a practice that's tailored to you and your life , how to get through the obstacles you face such as restlessness, boredom , procrastination , and self judgement and ,the book does it's best to answer the ten most common questions on meditation .
I enjoyed learning things from this book , trying things out, and feeling better as a result . Reading the book certainly helped me improve my meditation practice ! And it taught me some things about the nature of it and the human mind as well .
It touches upon chakras , advice for setting up a meditation altar , and includes a mindful eating meditation and MUCH more!
If you are interested in meditation at all this book is a great one to get . It's just so packed full of great stuff !
I will note and advice when you come to the parts about imagining in detail eating an ice cream cone and the burger one as well you instead use vegan foods ( a delicious veggie burger and some coconut bliss brand frozen dessert for example or any favorite vegan food ) or don't do those exercises. I'm fairly sure the author was unaware of the magnitude of disease and ill health eating animal products causes ! And desensitized to how gross it actually is so, please do us all a favor and avoid trying to convince your brain you are grateful and savoring a corpse, or another species breast milk, or a hens menstrual excretions, things that a human body is not designed to eat or benefit from ! We all deserve better!
So, aside from my complaint pointed out as advice above this book is really informative and wonderful!
And I'll let you in on a little secret . I haven't even listened to the cd yet .

 5. Apples, Bean dip, and Carrot Cake by Anne Dinshah and Freya Dinshah 
Apples, Bean Dip, and Carrot Cake made me cry in happiness, hope, love, and joy ! I felt as I read and viewed the photos I was seeing a truth I had recently come to know (again) beautifully shared. A truth that has become forgotten ( and perhaps for some is unrealized ) by the masses, in western culture anyway . This lack of realization and remembrance has deeply saddened me !
About a year ago a woman shared with me from outside her opened hatch to her van that her young daughter wanted to be vegetarian and that she , the mother, said okay but "You have to eat your vegetables "and, it was tried but, the child only liked a few kinds and so the mother said "No more." This daughter was sitting in the front seat and could hear us . I knew that one's taste buds flip and it's a matter of adaptation and time to detox from the high calorie density of animal based foods and the addictive properties within them such as, high calorie density, caso-morphine in dairy, and mass amounts of sodium. I wanted very badly to help this child and felt strong compassion for her but, the mother went on to tell of her busy life and lack of time for her daughter's "fussiness". I felt a sense of urgency and uneasiness in my stomach. I felt so sad and ultimately helpless. I tried my best but ended up only saying to the child "well, maybe, when you are older then . "I retreated with the same emotions as well as a strong disappointment in myself and sense of frustration and failure .
I have since relearned what I remember from being a child . I heard a story from a woman who works with elementary children and schools to introduce whole food plant-based meals into their lives and awareness . An experiment was conducted where two classes received information on health benefits ,were shown foods and taught how to prepare them and then were offered them in their cafeteria for lunch. Class A was involved in gardening , harvesting ,and the food prep in a hands on manner . Class B was not and was only shown rather than asked to participate in a hands on fashion . The outcome was when the meals were in the cafeteria Class A excitedly all tried and ate the food and unanimously reported liking it . Class B was hesitant to try it . Many wouldn't eat it and only a few said they liked it .
I remember when I was a child I loved picking berries and I loved being in the kitchen preparing foods, suggesting new creations , sometimes being able to try them and talking to my mother about what we were making, learning things and, showing my friends what I had learned . It should come as no surprise to us that when children, with their curious and creative natures are involved on a hands on level in the creation of their meals and particularly new , cruelty-free and healthy foods and they learn about the foods they are able to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment from making the food; they are more excited to eat it, and are more receptive to the "unfamiliar" . After all, it isn't actually unfamiliar now . They have gotten to know it a bit from working with it .
If I had read this book " Apples, Bean Dip, and Carrot Cake " by Anne Dinshah and Freya Dinshah before the van story occurred I would have certainly recommended it to the lady in my story .
The book is designed for children ages 4-12 years old. The author has developed recipes and skill levels used in the book . They are clearly marked and in order .She has done this through personal experience working with a bunch of children of different ages in the kitchen as, you can see from the cornucopia of photographs depicting these children happily cooking , cleaning and presenting their creations.
This book addresses and teaches safety first in language children can understand and again based on age and skill level . It is not only recipes but is step by step instructions for kitchen learning . At the end of each level the child should receive a "certificate of accomplishment " granting them status as a level [inserted level(s) completed ] chief . These certificates are in the back of the book .
I am certain the beautiful photographs of peers succeeding and having fun safely by following the book's instructions are encouraging, confidence installing, and exciting for children! It really is kind of like the children are teaching the readers.
It was amazing and heart warming to see the pride and capabilities of these children when presented with this method .
Introduction -Copied from " Apples, Bean Dip and , Carrot Cake "with permission " Introduction Apples, Bean Dip and Carrot Cake is designed for children ages four through twelve to make simple , healthful recipes- even when a child is the only person in the home fond of kitchen tasks. No experience is necessary. This book will also appeal to some adults.
Kids should ask adults to watch them work safely as each new skill is learned. ability develops quickly and the results are delicious. When they have completed this book, kids will be able to tackle recipes in basic adult cookbooks.
Although an occasional demonstration may be helpful, adults should resist the urge to jump in and do the recipe. Allow kids ample time to learn from the hands on experience. "

I really can not depict how wonderful, simplistic, powerful, and practical I deem this book to be. It's something you probably have to see for yourself to grasp. So, I will end by saying I learned some exciting recipes , and better ways of using kitchen utensils myself in reading it .
Please empower your children , let them be stimulated, avoid stunting their growth by denying them the great joy of learning to prepare and cook healthy food and encourage their growth instead. I highly recommend this book !

6.  Living Vegan For Dummies " by : Alexandra Jamieson 
This book covers and addresses the topic impressively and thoroughly as I have found most "for dummies " books, I've read to do . They are organized beautifully and broken down into sections.
This is an excellent research and reference book ! It is easy and quick to look up something particular and it is also a great read cover to cover . This book provides chapters on the impact of veganism - the environmental ones, which are further broken down into subcategories including water scarcity , air pollution, manure and so on , health , animals, and humanitarian issues . Other chapters on cooking and shopping , coexisting with meat eaters in your home, veganizing non- vegan meals and vegan substitutes to animal based products, vegan lifestyle beyond food, are included. Chapter 3 is dedicate to "transforming to veganism" , and there's more chapters addressing , travel, dinning out , social issues , vegan pregnancy and postpartum period, baby vegans, child and teen vegans, aging vegans, vegan athletes, ways to make vegan living extraordinary and much more!
Nutrition is of course discussed and lists are provided of vegan foods high in specific nutrients the uninformed public often questions in regard to vegan eating including ,protein , iron , calcium , and vitamin D as well as some others. This is of course cool and can be helpful for readers for a number of reasons most commonly I assume by providing answers to questions from others and caring for themselves if they have a pre-existing issue such as anemia or a deficiency in something else. The book provides recipes . There are several chapters devoted to that broken into categories including breakfast, entrees , side dishes, condiments and dressings, desserts, beverages ,and more .
This book is great for anyone ! It's even better, perhaps for the vegan curious and new vegans because, it's a wonderful, wide-scapping , comprehensive couple of pounds of knowledge, facts , and help.

7. "Comfortably Unaware " by Dr. Richard Oppenlander 
If I could have made everyone read the book instead of writting about it I would have .I fear by telling what the book is about some of you will refuse to read it so you can keep claiming your ignorance . And what right do you have to do that when it concerns the fate of the human race in it's entirety ?
Because , as you will learn if you read it, the math and science show indisputably , if we ( as a society and as individuals who are contributing to this ) don't change we'll all die very very soon . Get the data here in plain easy to understand English.
This book is , like the "World Peace Diet "and" The Pleasure Trap" a crucially important read for everyone .
Comfortably Unaware is the go to book on the reality of "food's " impact on environment - Earth , the Pleasure Trap's go to on human nature and our food choices ( plus more) , The World Peace Diet is go to on a full spectrum reality check but, not as detailed on the topics of the Pleasure Trap and Comfortably Unaware as they themselves are . Got it ?
Comfortably Unaware puts into light and truth what is so commonly avoided, unrecognized , and denied by people in American Culture as well as a number of other cultures in regards to our planet, animal agriculture, and buying and using animal products.
It is denied , shrugged off, avoided and , unannounced in mass proportion !
Because of.... a resistance to change, lack of desire to face the consequences to others from one's own actions and the cumulative actions of so many others . What other reasons I don't know really but , read the book and cut it out !
Because , as you will learn if you read it, the math and science show indisputably , if we ( as a society and as individuals who are contributing to this ) don't change we'll all die very very soon . Get the data here in plain easy to understand English.
People choosing to buy animal products as well as make them and raise animals as livestock on a factory or SMALL FARM levels are killing the planet . Not just a little bit . COMPLETELY ! Even if people only did it on small farms and ate animal products at a fraction of what they do on average , the world will still become unlivable for humans soon ! SOON! Soon ...
Sooner than the general public believes or realizes. This is the absolute unarguable truth and the facts are in ,in this book .
You can understand it . It's written in plain English and not scientific jargon . The impacts are broken down . How much water for a 1 Lb of cow meat , How much carbon monoxide total a year, How much of resources we have left and so on and so forth . So read it , please and do the math . Most of it's already computed .

8. The China Study by Dr. T.Colin Campbell
This book is the" Give me the health info and debunk the common myths of health and disease that are allowing the country to get sicker and sicker instead of better and leave out the rest ( the impact diet has on animals, the planet, and fellow mankind ) book. "
It addresses Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, obesity ,and more .
 It has graphs and charts showing the scientific facts of why a whole food plant- based diet is the answer for not only prevention but , curing these dis-eases as well, as showing  that animal products cause them . Written by a bio chemist who did lab work and collaboratively (the valid) population study ( many "medical studies " are really manipulated in order to get drug patients and financial goals met that's why information is so contradictory )  . It's written by a PHD and Md. The China Study is officially labeled" The most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted. "
 So, have the truth explained .
I say the facts are at least as conclusive as those indicating the earth is round !

9.Skinny Bastard 
This book almost didn't make it and yet HAD to make it to the recommended list .
Here's the deal with that . The language I find repulsive and lame some of you may like it . I'm not up for reading crap like " Women who care about looks are vapid, shallow, ****'s ." Let's be real we all care about looks to some extent . It's just an example the book like skinny bitch is filled with that type of crap . I don't like specisist talk " Fat pig syndrome " The book speaks with a know- it - all thug like lingo . They don't know it all but, they do know some very valuable information and facts . This is where I learned about maple syrup production sometimes using lard !You don't need enriched food with the possible exception of b12 because, it's been chlorinated out of drinking water and here's a big one that as a fitness trainer and having taken "Plant- Based Nutrition " I especially need to publicly announce as bs ... The extensive use and promotion of highly processed high protein foods - such as soydogs , and soy sausage is craptacular of you guys . It is not healthy to eat massive amounts of that stuff ladies and gentleman . Processed foods - especially highly processed foods aren't the healthiest things around. I'm not suggesting if you want to eat them once and awhile you'll have serious health problems. They are certainly healthier than animal products but, first of all people need a small percent of their calories to come from protein. It hovers around 10 % only for optimal function . And B. Whole foods are a healthier way to go than the highly processed ones , that means legumes, seeds, beans , nuts , etc. in a whole or minimally processed format .contact me for more information . Sounds like a horrible book right ? Why would I recommend it ? It's not a horrible book . There is a well of important men specific information here . So go get it , read and learn about your prostate , sex drive, testosterone levels , and more. It does a spectacular job addressing sugar and artificial sweeteners and diseases and sickness. I also recommend it for women to read because, there is some general information , and because, most women have at least one man in their lives they care about and if they don't they are pretty likely to live among them unless they are stuck in a live in all girls school or a convent .
 It really is an important read with a lot of information men and the women who care about them should know but that is not found many other places !
Just take heed to my criticisms and know the book has it's flaws as well as it's absolute accurate brilliance's . How frustrating this book is to me !

10. Skinny Bitch Cookbook
While I don't like her advocating oils as a health food because, it's bs this book is great for it's special pages like the one listing edible flowers , the one talking about types of tea , and so on . Again I am not a fan of the profane language . I find it distasteful , childish and appalling . Not everyone feels that way and the topic and content is important .
I can't comment on the taste of the recipes because, honestly I haven't made any of them because, I detest following recipes and enjoy creating them myself . I will say however, they look like they are of great taste quality and come highly recommended by many . They also are healthy-ish like I said oil is not a health food it's a highly processed substance where fiber is removed and you are left with condensed fat . We need fats yes, but the healthy way to go is to eat the olives, almonds, and so forth in their whole form . The pictures are great and the educational writings though not without flaw ( OILS AREN"T HEALTH FOODS !! - last time I promise ! ) are worth their weight in gold provided you can weed out that garden - there's just a few . I think the educational stuff including vegan substitutes to well known western crap - like dairy milk , how to replace eggs in baking , tutorial of spices and so forth are reason enough to spend the money and buy the book , like I said I don't use the recipes - which are probably delicious ! They certainly are artistic , creative and sound impressive ! And, I'm no wild reckless shopper either ! So , there's your review .
Bottom line , i think the book is worth buying for the cool informative lists and extras alone however the food looks scrumptious , is highly recommended and there are a few health related untruths but, only a few .

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