Monday, February 24, 2014

A Few of the Most Common Misconceptions about Being Vegan I've Heard -And the Truth !

Misconceptions I've frequently heard :
#1 It'll be more time consuming "I don't have time"
#2 I'll have to eat tofu and I don't like tofu
#3 It'll be more expensive and I can't afford it
#4 I'll live a miserable life and always crave blank

1. Response to number one .- It will? Why? It in general takes less time to cook plant based foods than animal products that you have to cook at a certain temperature for a certain time to kill salmonella etc. none of which plants have you can eat most tons of them raw . So if you don't want to cook a night you don't have too you can eat plants raw ! But when you do cook them they overwhelmingly wind up taking less cook time then animal products. Yes, in the beginning you will need to spend extra time  changing your shopping habits , learning new things, reading packages . And eating out is more time consuming when you factor in driving, waiting and driving home then eating in !
2. You don't have to eat tofu ! lol . You don't ever , ever, have to eat tofu ! Some people have soy allergies (what tofu is made out of ) and eat perfectly healthy vegan diets.
3. Meat is more expensive than beans, seeds, legumes . Some vegan products , particularly the "transitional foods " or vegan versions of things you are used to , yogurt, faux meats, vegan cheese, and vegan microwave / processed meals are sometimes more expensive than their counter parts . Due to government ( Using our tax dollars and (, I suspect without tangible evidence I admit ),  getting reimbursed through the connected systems it's in business with coughs pharmaceutical ) subsidies, the animal based products cost more money to make , use more resources , and cost more of our natural resources . So, is it really cheaper or put on a semi invisable credit card that racks up interest , doesn't get paid off and the debt weight falls on your children harder than you if the inertia continues in it's direction ?  The more whole and to its original form the food you buy is the cheaper it is generally when talking vegan and oh what a curse people whine ( though not to many are long term vegans since were past detox ) the food that's the cheapest is the healthiest (organic/ conventional aside)  So, yes the beans, and seeds , veggies,fruits and whole grains ( you can get from bulk bins in most places cheaper yet btw ) are the cheapest and the most health promoting . Looking past a glance or jumping in and shopping vegan for awhile should show you what I believe, if you eat a few of  the processed things a week and incorporate more foods in their original forms , learning to create with them and drop the animal products , it tends to balance itself out, costing around the same  . Of course, it depends on what animal products you were buying to begin with. I'm using the cheapest ones to make this statement .(Thus it's apt to be cheaper too)
And when and if you come to reduce your consumption of processed stuff completely or eliminate it . It is in gambling terms probable that your food costs will go down .
One more statement on this # , let's be real , you know the hospital bills and doctor bills factor into this equation too !  If you don't check out the statistics ! ( See the China Study or other resources )
4. Yup, you may get miserable , I guess animal products have physically addicting properties( Read the Pleasure Trap or do other research if you desire ) you may go through withdrawals for a few weeks . But, here's some interesting information - Some people don't . And the benefits I found help in the same time line as withdrawals more than say quitting smoking or drinking . Especially true the more dark green leafys you take in and other whole foods you consume . To clarify that statement , in contrast to drug addiction and alcohol addiction where one tends to usually go through withdrawals and cravings while feeling like crap and depleted , The periods of craving animal products if you do, are accompanied by more recognizable health benefits , weight lifted and feeling better . It for me was just an annoying voice nagging me for cheese and ice cream that I ignored and that nagged less and less as time passed . Everyone's body handles the change differently. I've listened to, read , and talked with hundreds of people who have done it and it seems overwhelmingly that most start experiencing welcome changes immediately like cleared up acne . ( How miserable :p ) and more energy . However, some people experience temporary yuck while their bodies detox toxins , such as gas and oily skin ( if they leave via your skin ) . Regardless , this is temporary and a very short amount of your life ! Where as eating animal products for the rest of your life comes with mass amounts of misery personal and otherwise . Let's stick with personal huh ? Constipation, depression , anger issues, confusion , extra weight to carry around, far increased amounts of colds, and flus, weaker bones and joints are a few of the many more mild problems . Take a look at the diseases likely !
 I swear just like a smoker eventually stops craving cigarettes and is happier and freer without them so it is with animal products ..

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