Tuesday, March 18, 2014

" The inter-connectedness of my services "

" The inter-connectedness of my services "

Primary Services are Vegan coaching, Fitness training , and Wellness coaching .

Secondary Services include, various classes which as of today consist of
 - Outdoor beginner's tai chi for various populations ( children,teens, women only , obese peoples, seniors only ) as well as general public classes
- World Peace Diet study groups
- Vegan food prep & cooking parties
- Plant-strong cooking classes & parties

Additional events pop up from time to time and you can be notified of them for now two ways, by following my facebook page - www.facebook/workouttimeforwellness or by following my blog www.sabrinaswellnessbydesign.blogger.com .  An email list will be emerging in the future and notification of it's birth will be announced in both places .

Now, on to writting promised by the title .

I am aware that health and well-being are a holistic matter. One does not experience optimal health by exercising while putting crappy fuel ( food) into one's body . One does not experience optimal health by working through dis-organization, meditating , doing chakra alignments and, refusing to exercise one's body . And, one does not experience optimal health by eating only the best foods while watching tv on their coach with all their time that is not spent at work .
Exercise, diet, and balance , function , growth, gain and harmony in various areas are all related and inter-connected in the matter of health .

Examples of interconnectedness include :

  •  When one exercises one releases brain chemicals that reduce stress and combat low vibrational thinking and emotions such as sadness, depression , and negative self talk . Because, it makes us feel better ,this often leads to improved confidence and faith in self which, can lead to believing we are capable of eating right , trying new things , approaching people for help, jobs, to ask on dates etc. These things  lead to further improved quality of life , body , emotions and so forth .

  • When one stops eating things the body is not designed to eat for optimal function and ends up increasing foods that are designed by nature to give us optimal function , our functionality improves. We can think clearer , remember better, notice more, endurance increases , pounds of excess body fat often drop off , we feel better about ourselves and then ,We feel less negative emotions and have less negative thoughts. We feel relief and freer , and we want to do and try more joyous and fun things that are not harmful ( think hiking a mountain verses another night at a bar ) . We see that we were able to make changes that improved our quality of life and gain confidence. We feel the odds are better than we used to feel they were for us to be able to continue to achieve further improvements to our quality of life, we exercise more because, it is easier to do so ,we reap all the benefits of that. We are less frustrated and happier because, we struggle less with our activities ( due to our improved mental function ), we feel more than we used to that we deserve truly wonderful , life giving things and we are more satisfied with ourselves in the present moment . 

  • - When one initiates a beneficial change to their wellness from another example , like dedicating themselves to a 5 minute daily meditation practice , or working through mental upsets and long lived undesired patterns in their lives on paper with journaling and various written exercises , the exact results vary even more because, these are all different activities but , in general we feel a movement out of stagnation which gives relief , and encourages more movement in attitude and actions and the tendency to seek further uplifting movement increases.

So, jump in somewhere ! 

Updated versions of elaboration on basic services are in the works. Please contact me by message to initiate a priority release of them .
Thank you all for your time, help, and efforts.
Be Well,
www.sabrinaswellnessbydesign.blogger.com -  My blog
www.facebook.com/workouttimeforwellness    - My " Fan" page

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If photos don't transfer that is okay .

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