Friday, March 28, 2014

What is Vegan Coaching ?

What is vegan coaching ?
Well , what I offer is the following three services :
1. Vegan coaching or 2. Vegan diet coaching or 3. Plant strong coaching .
( See elaborations of each at the bottom )
So, once we identify what service you, the client wants, what I do is evaluate with you why you aren't living that way already . What obstacles are keeping you back ? This is similar to a personality in it's unique flavor for each person. For some, it's simply not knowing what to shop for and what to buy . For others, it's a matter of peer and family support not being there, not knowing what to cook, or budget concerns. For others still, hesitation is admittedly addiction to animal products .
Whatever your combination of hesitations and obstacles is, once identified, I commit to helping you work through them.
Some specifics offered are personal shopping assistance, help with food prep, veganizing old favorites, regular consultations and check-ins , menu planning (sometimes around budgets), game plans for success , networking middle woman , education, and more!
 My belief in the importance to individualize vegan coaching as well as my other services is strong! And so , we ( client & me ) co-create programs and solutions to obstacles .

Elaboration of Terms - What is Vegan Coaching ? Vegan Diet Coaching ? Plant-Strong Coaching ?

Vegan Coaching - Veganism is an ethical stance . The man who created the term said this This encompasses everything Vegan Diet Coaching does and may additionally include things like helping you to find vegan alternatives to hygiene products and other items , find community with like minded people, and be spiritually healthy in a world not yet predominately vegan .( The dietary part of this can be Plant-Strong )

Vegan Diet Coaching - Means you only want to change the foods you are eating to vegan as defined by Wikipedia " Dietary vegans (or strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but, in contrast to ovo-lacto vegetarians, also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances." and you are receiving assistance and coaching help as described above .

Plant-Strong Coaching - This means you are going to eat a vegan diet as defined in Wikipedia but, you are also going to eat whole foods rather than processed ones and you are receiving assistance and coaching help as described above.

When it's really only about a person's health and themselves it ought to be called something else such as strict vegetarian or plant-based eating . But for the sake of minimizing confusion and because, the term strict has such negative connotations ( that I find an inaccurate description anyway ) alas, I use the term vegan to refer to that as well. 

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