Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What have I been up to ?- March 25th post

What have I been up to ?

Wondering what my subscribies are up to :
The headline explains itself . I am filling out surprise Thank You cards for those of you on my 10 first subscriber's list who's mailing addresses I have. Shhh! I never did enjoy suspense so , SUPRISE! hehe .. If you are a subscriber and want to give me your physical mailing address you can have one too, if you are on the V.I.P. of first ten joiners. I'll check . Message me it if you so choose.

Showcasing my art:
I am happy and grateful to be showcasing my art at Twilight Tea lounge link here in Brattleboro, Vt. the theme is a celebration of joy, love , fantasy/ imagination meets reality , and the warmer month. They are priced very affordably ( cheap) and , I am taking up a collection to donate to farm Sanctuary as well . The Tea lounge serves great tea ! And the atmosphere will make you forget about winter . so, if you are in the area I hope you will check it out ! They will be there for the duration of March and April .


I have officially failed attempt one at getting my cute little computer painted note up for you all. :( Inviting you to my creative art journaling group but , you are invited!


Adjusting to the Wood Horse Year:
Lunar and Solar New year at the end of January and the first part of February marked the shift from a water snake year to a wood horse year . The following year was a water dragon year . So, we have come out of a two year period of water and this is a big change ! I have read about the year as I always do, adjusted my feng shui ,contemplated , and tried to shift accordingly using my intuition, what I've read , my own life's relevance and observations.
 I have read this year demands organization  and space in line with nature of the horse ( Clear space to frolic and play and run ) and it is a year to jump on opportunities and avoid procrastination . Which is in stark contrast to the snake year when , thoroughly thought through and calculated maneuvers were suggested for success .
 Since, last August I moved to a place significantly smaller than where I was , space and room in the physical sense is a challenge. But one I'm embarrassing . Do you live near me? Do you want some of my  stuff ?lol. No, I'm serious ! I am selling and trading things . Check out the section following and P.S. If my album's empty it's only temporary. Far more will appear in the warmer months when I can more easily access my storage unit !

Flyers and Spring Fun
Non-monetary trade -
 My boyfriend and I have co-founded a face book group named Barterboro , based on groups I became part of in the area I previously lived in. This group is for trading services and goods though you are allowed to trade them for money the primary principal is to trade them for other things .
 This is a project that is dear to our hearts and so, beneficial and important ! It seems so obvious to us in this economic place and time but, if you ask ..
How is it important and beneficial ?

 Here's just a handful of ways :

1 - It builds community and creates friends , contacts, networking, and acquaintances
2 -It asserts and strengthens the people's power . By increasing our cooperation and teamwork with each other we reduce or dependence and increase our independence and freedom . It is liberating! It's no good to hide all your money under one tree. And it's no good to get all your material and service needs provided for by using money which most people have to acquire by working under a boss for . Find and create situations where you are doing direct exchanges with people.  For example : Trading someone who wants and needs your kitchen utensil clutter that you'd be glade to get rid of ( pizza wheel, extra can opener and so forth ) for that game of Pictionary your kids would love that's sitting in their album .
3 - It saves you money
4 - If you do side work ,or are self employed doing service work or making and selling products; especially, if just starting out you may be able to build references, meet future customers, get leads , and get the word spread by accepting trades here.
5 - It can be a sort of money free shopping spree / experience . When there are enough albums and wishlists going I have had experiences of finding things I loved but would not shell out cash for ( Jewelry , books, dvds, decor items etc. ) and been able to get them because, the people with them found the things I had for trade of value .
6 - People may be able to quickly help you when you need something and can't afford it ( I broke a blow dryer, asked, and had two people offering to trade me one in an hours time )
7 - It's fun!
8 - It's fun inspiration to A. ) clean through your stuff and B.) de-clutter your space .
9 - If you know anything about feng shui you know and, even if you don't you are apt to know having material baggage lifted from your life and de-cluttering /being clutter free has many great benefits!
10-It slows the garbage and filling of landfills- It's good for the environment !
So, join ! And if it's as important to you as it is to us please, spread the news and help open other's eyes to it's importance so, we can increase the fun to be had !


 The World Peace Diet Study Groups -
 I am in a new phase of the process of establishing World Peace Diet study groups. This is a long awaited and anticipated adventure, admittedly to a great deal because, of my becoming distracted and wanting timing to be right .
 I moved in August and was trying to before then and because, these meet ups will span over months I choice not to start what I wouldn't finish . After moving, there was set up and transition to do and then came the Holidays when I didn't want to be held back by conflicting plans and vacations. I originally thought the first part of January would be ideal but, then concluded I didn't want the project to be wounded by weather . And  so, now I'm thinking Spring.
 I read the book on my own and then took Dr. Tuttle's courses to become a World Peace Diet Facilitator . I must share that they were very enriching and I found them well beyond - worth the money ! I will share the link with you so you can investigate that http://worldpeacemastery.com/
So, alas I have locked down a location , days , and times , taken a photo of the book for which I will attempt to photoshop into a flyer soon . I have just one last thing to figure out and that is how to break the book up and create an outline that will allow me to determine how many meet ups and weeks the study group will meet for . Stay tuned ! I'll announce the news as soon as the flyers are ready .
 Outdoor Tai Chi to suit everyone's comfort-ability.

Daydreaming of Spring 
We had rain for the first time in awhile last week. The temperature's had rose to a distant level and we received the distant type of participation ( rain) . It seemed to bring with it Spring-like air and so, many of us including myself have dreams of green sprouting grass and days without coats .

 Trying to find Home plate 
I am looking into and talking with people about creating an official webpage for Wellness by Design , A homepage , sort of speak . You know a regular , standard page . lol . Yes, I suppose it feels it's long overdue . It's somewhat embarrassing and silly not to have one . I'm not sure how long it will take me to create one . You will of course be informed when it's up and running . But, for now I'm learning . I don't wish to jump in and regret it.  I want one of quality , functionality , ease of use , and so on . I'm brainstorming on what it will include . Of course , links to this blog and other projects and pages of mine , It also , among other things may include a frequently asked questions section . If you have any questions either about services, or general questions of relevance such as, related to veganism , fitness, or wellness please submit them via email to sabrinaswellnessbydesign @gmail.com  . Your feedback is helpful to us all and appreciated !
I'm looking into and reading about ways to expand and be "cooler " in the online world . I currently have facebook, this blog, email , and linkedin but there's so many more opportunities! And some of which I'd very much like to utilize , Creating a fun quarterly  newsletter and distributing it through an opt in email list for example .
 As well as, checking out a couple potentials for next years recommended books list . The previous list is done and can be found at www.facebook.com/workouttimeforwellness in the notes section . I am in the process of finishing up the last 4 reports and then I will be sharing them all here in the blogosphere .

BTW ( By The Way), I passed my course 
 Yes , I did pass and received the cec's and certificate .:) Oh the course was " Science and Practice of Strength Training " I think I had yet to mention that.

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